To My Baby Girl, as She Begins Kindergarten

by ParentCo. August 18, 2016

Dear Daughter,
It's hard for me to believe, but in a few short weeks yoU'll be starting kindergarten. You'll be packing up your little Pottery Barn Kids back pack and climbing the stairs onto the yellow school bus that will take you to your next big adventure.
I will not let you see it, but I am having a hard time. Mixed with the happiness I feel for you are pangs of sadness and nostalgia for times past. You see, daughter, you are my baby. I know, I know. Baby brother is here now to take that title, and yes, you are a big girl. But, to me, you will always be a baby. My baby. You are my first born. Many sleep deprived nights of new motherhood were spent rocking you. The first panicked call I made to the pediatrician was about you. My first time planning a preschool play date was with your best buddy. All your firsts are my firsts as a mommy. Now, as we prepare for the big day, I am also thinking about all the new firsts to come. Together we will look forward to your firsts: first day of school, first time eating lunch in a cafeteria, your first homework assignment, first field trip. There are going to be so many new experiences for you to enjoy. I couldn't be happier for you. I am so proud of you, darling. If you only knew how full my heart is when I think of you and all your accomplishments. Sometimes I think it may just burst! You are strong and sassy, and I am so impressed as I watch you meet new challenges with determination and grace. What an amazing person you are, and will continue to be. I know how excited you are to head off to the "big school." You've only been talking about it for the past year! You'll get to make so many new friends (one of your favorite things to do) and meet new teachers. You'll learn so many interesting things, and I look forward to the moments I'll watch you glowing with pride as you share them with me. Your world is about to expand in so many ways, and I share in your excitement for that. I'll be waiting for you when you get home each day, ready and willing to hear your tales of Kindergarten. You will be awesome! Keep smiling - people are drawn to you and your toothless grin. Try your best always - it's okay if things are hard. That's how we learn. Remember to be kind, to ask for help when you need it, and to close the door when you go potty. Most importantly, have fun. I want you to love school and all it has to offer. Your happiness is my happiness. Please remember what I said about you always being my baby, because it is so very true. As you always tell me (although this can never be true), I love you "too" much.

You are ready for this, sweetheart. Now, go show everyone what you've got!

Hugs and kisses.

Love, Mommy



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