Inspirer le jeu imaginatif de l'enfant logique et littéral

par ParentCo. Octobre 05, 2017

petit garçon regardant vers le haut et souriant

Childhood. It conjures up images of happy children twirling in the sun, contented children entranced by finger-painting, laughing children pretending to be kings and queens assisted only by their imaginations and a crown constructed from paper and glitter. Then there’s my kid, looking at me like I have no right to reasonably function in the adult world when I suggest he might like to play dress-up, too. “Why?” he asks, heading to a quiet corner by himself. “Why would I do that?” Indeed. Play is a critical component in optimal development for children. It is so important that it’s protected as a droit de l'enfance par les Nations unies. Pourtant, pour certains enfants, le jeu n'est pas naturel. Pour ces enfants, la meilleure option pour développer leur concept de jeu est de les rencontrer là où ils en sont, avec de l'acceptation, d'excellentes ressources et un peu de connaissances supplémentaires. Il se peut même que votre propre capacité à jouer se développe au fur et à mesure que vous accompagnez votre enfant dans sa démarche.

Jouons ! Mais en silence. Comme prévu.

Playing is often thought to encompass only open-ended activities. Point a child at some creative materials and let them go! But not all children respond to unstructured activities and would rather pit their creative abilities against participating in this kind of play. Particularly logical and literal children often dislike free-form activities, preferring instead to play according to a plan or with a specific goal in mind. To cater to this type of play, parents may need to adjust their environment and expectations. Providing quiet spaces with low lighting may help prevent children from feeling overwhelmed, as can giving specific instructions. They may prefer to play at desks rather than on the floor, feeling more comfortable in an organized environment where they can see the toys and materials available to them. By changing your expectation of noisy, messy play to quiet, refined play within an organized environment, you can teach your child how they function best and what they need to play happily. 


Parent Co. s'est associée à Safari LTD parce qu'elle croit au pouvoir du jeu imaginatif.


Peut-être sont-ils créatifs ?

Creativity is thought to be a core component of play, but the definition of creativity itself is not limited to one concept. Reframing children’s perceptions of themselves from ‘not creative’ to ‘creative’ may help them accept activities they previously might have shunned. Creativity can be found through the use of an object in an original manner, or maybe through a focus on l'esthétique and elegance. From this, we can see that a child who insists on using the ‘right’ shade of blue for the sky can be just as creative as a child who gleefully splashes rainbows around. It would be unfair to discredit a child who is focused on aesthetics rather than originality; understanding that this is a form of creativity can go a long way towards helping a child see themselves as a creative being. Comment on your child’s ability to set up the farm animals ‘perfectly’ as a positive attribute. By drawing a child’s attention to her attention to detail and ability to focus, she might begin to value her own work and seek out additional creative opportunities. If you have a child who has to get things perfect, then find the time, space, and materials for that perfection to happen. 

Suivre plutôt que diriger

Les enfants peuvent mieux jouer sans l'intervention d'un adulte. Le fait de coopérer au jeu pourrait les rendre moins enclins à jouer avec vous ou devant vous. Si cela signifie que vous devez vous mettre en retrait lorsque les figurines sortent, faites-le. Les enfants peuvent également comprendre que vous n'aimez pas les mêmes choses qu'eux ou que vous n'approuvez pas leur choix de jouet (le premier jouet que mon fils a emporté dans son lit était un fouet à œufs). Recherche has shown that the fastest way to stop a child playing is to take over, and the second fastest is insincere praise – or, in fact, any praise at all! Linear children who may be more logical and literal than their peers may also be more sensitive to criticism, and strangely, praise can sometimes feel like criticism. If your child feels that the purpose of creativity is to make you happy rather than enjoy themselves, then they’re not likely to stay motivated. Keep your point of view of their creative endeavors out of it, and focus instead on the aspects that your child loved. Ask questions about which part of the project he enjoyed the most, which was the hardest, which part he is the most proud of. Noticing things about your child’s creativity is great. Adding a value judgement or taking over is likely to backfire.

Obtenir les bonnes choses

Obtention de la bon type Il est impératif que les enfants disposent d'une grande variété de matériaux pour leur travail créatif. Les enfants se livrent beaucoup moins à des jeux créatifs lorsque les jouets avec lesquels ils jouent sont tirés du dernier film ou de la dernière série télévisée. Les jouets qui ne sont pas de marque augmenter le potentiel créatif de l'enfant. Les jouets sans marque, tels que ceux de Safari Ltd, allow children to imprint their own thoughts and feelings onto a character instead of following the storylines they’ve seen before. Toys can also function as accessoires pour l'alphabétisation for children. Adults can scaffold a child’s play by introducing a new character or scenario and then see how their children adapt to this new development (taking care not to take over!). This emphasis on generic materials also relates to craft. Huge amounts of glitter are much less useful than vibrant pencils and sheets of paper. Investing in appropriate resources to expand on your child’s journey in play is crucial to maintaining their interest and providing opportunities for creativity. The benefits of play are immense. Play allows children to explore their inner worlds and develop skills and talents. By following your not-so-typical children’s interests and providing them with the appropriate resources and environment, you can help them develop their creativity – without insulting their sensibilities with the dress-up box.


Parent Co. s'est associée à Safari LTD parce qu'elle croit au pouvoir du jeu imaginatif.



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