Rediscovering the Simple, Timeless Message of Winnie-the-Pooh

by ParentCo.

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12 Ways to Ensure Your Kid is More Important Than Your Phone

by ParentCo.

Parents don’t need more guilt. We know we need to put our phones away. But that's often easier said than done. Here are simple tips to make it work.

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Smallest Baby Ever Recorded Growing Healthy Say Doctors

by ParentCo.

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6 Dumb Mistakes We All Make Before Becoming Parents

by ParentCo.

Looking back, there are things that never even occurred to me before I had a baby of my own.

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How to Stick Up For Yourself Like a Toddler

by ParentCo.

You know who knows what they want and aren't afraid to get/demand/steam roll you for it? Toddlers. Maybe it's time we adults took a page from their book.

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Think Outside the Bun: 3 New Ways to Love Hot Dogs

by ParentCo.

Think outside the bun and cook up these three new hot dog recipes for your kids or your next cookout.

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Odd Jobs: My Life as a Carnival Worker and Mother of Three

by ParentCo.

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WE Movement Co-Founder Craig Kielburger Can Help You Raise Service-Oriented Kids

by ParentCo.

An interview with Craig Kielburger about the ways his organization, WE Movement, is helping kids experience the life-changing power of giving back.

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Omran Daqneesh Reminds Us No One Should Ever Feel Such Pain

by ParentCo.

When tragedy becomes commonplace, we begin to believe that in some communities, heartbreak and pain are status quo.

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Patent Granted to Tesla for Early Drone The Year 1898

by ParentCo.

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When Saying "Yes" is Like a Super Power

by ParentCo.

Running a lemonade stand wasn't my idea of a fun way to spend the afternoon. But in the end it may have taught us both a few important lessons.

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10 Ways My Mother Got It Right

by ParentCo.

No parent is perfect, including my mother. But there are plenty of ways I hope to be just like her.

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If My Son's ADHD Were a Super Power

by ParentCo.

If my son's ADHD were a super power, it would be a hero's cape, not a red flag.

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Fastest 400 Meter Runner EVER Coached by a Great Grandmother

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4 Practices From Around the World To Help Make Parenting More Joyful

by ParentCo.

Parenting differs greatly from culture to culture. In each, there are ways to find the joy in raising kids.

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The Magical, Magnetic Attraction of Twins

by ParentCo.

Observing the bond between twins, it's hard not to feel as though you're witnessing something magical.

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Want to Fly To Work? How About Flying Your Cow Drone

by ParentCo.

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A Huge Harry Potter Fan Looks For Something Different

by ParentCo.

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Learning From The Son Who Would Not Speak

by ParentCo.

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How to Jump Out of A Plane With No Parashute

by ParentCo.

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What Bedrooms Say About Love: Observations From Cleaning Houses

by ParentCo.

As a former house cleaner, I've stepped into many homes. The routine was similar in each house, but every bedroom had a uniquely powerful energy.

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5 Tips for Your New Backyard Chickens – Maybe?

by ParentCo.

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Gwyneth Paltrow Poops

by ParentCo.

Just because she peddles $75 mushroom knives and makes up new words for divorce, it doesn't mean Gwyneth isn't just like the rest of us.

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The First Ghostbuster Was a Woman

by ParentCo.

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