The Evolution of the Birthday Party From the 80s to Now

by ParentCo.

The birthday parties our kids are attending these days are a far cry from the drop and run haphazard festivities we grew up enjoying.

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Amy Cuddy Wants You to Know That Everyone Feels Like an Impostor

by ParentCo.

In Episode 3 of “Where Was I…?” we spoke with Amy Cuddy, a renowned Harvard Business School professor and social psychologist, about impostor syndrome.

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"Mom, Have You Ever Smoked Pot?"

by ParentCo.

When faced with having to answer a tough question, one that sets the stage for a lifetime of openness and honesty, it's worth a few minutes of discomfort.

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3 Good Reasons Not Raise Your Kids the Way You Were Raised

by Angela Pruess

For better or worse, the bones of our parenting scripts are written by our own parents. If that approach isn't working for you, change is possible.

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Hey, Kids – Sometimes It's Okay to Quit

by ParentCo.

There's a time and circumstance for everything. Including giving your kid permission to quit something that isn't working.

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Your Kids Don’t Belong to You, and That’s Okay

by ParentCo.

In the grand scheme of things, our kids are only "ours" for a short snippet of their lives. Ultimately, we're handing them off to the rest of the world.

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The Real Reason Making Mom Friends Is So Hard

by Rebecca Lang

Let's start by building relationships that don't center around the kids.

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6 Things You Absolutely Should Not Do in the School Pick-Up Line

by Laura Richards

It's a delicate dance, this school pick up line. We've all got places to be, so for the love of pete, don't muck it up for the rest of us.

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How to Spot the Pregnancy Fakers on TV

by ParentCo.

Sure, it's easy to look all cute and chipper when that baby belly you're sporting is just a bunch of fluff.

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When Your Daughter is the Mean Girl

by ParentCo.

None of us want to admit it, but sometimes despite our best efforts, we can be the parent of "the mean girl."

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How to Relax and Enjoy Playing With Your Kids

by ParentCo.

When we play pretend with our kids, most of us are just going through the motions. But there's a way to tap into the way we used to play.

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Don't Let Postpartum Anxiety Rob You of the Early Years

by ParentCo.

Hours spent googling symptoms, paralyzed with worries of failure and danger, postpartum anxiety is more common than postpartum depression. Let's talk.

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How Tunes Makes Your Beer Go Down Even Better

by ParentCo.

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Why I Celebrate My Daughter's Defiant Streak

by ParentCo.

It's not always going to be easy raising a defiant daughter- this girl who knows what she wants and isn't afraid to get it. But it's going to pay off.

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Marriage is a Fellowship of Pain

by ParentCo.

Marriage, where it is a true sharing fellowship, can be a resource of incalculable value.

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3 Simple Ways to Slay the Mom Guilt Beast

by ParentCo.

Beating down the tendency to feel guilty and defeated is no easy task. But these few things always seem to help.

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Accepting My Role in My Son's Clutter-Collector Ways

by ParentCo.

The room had turned into a glorified garbage heap with a bed in the middle. Clearing the clutter had to be done.

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6 Reasons I'm Jealous of My Newborn Baby

by ParentCo.

Babies have it so easy. It's only so long before doubling your body weight isn't considered cute.

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How My Brother's Childhood Cancer Made Me a Fearful Parent

by ParentCo.

In the 10 years my younger brother spent undergoing treatment after treatment, I saw things I cannot unsee. His cancer colors my every day.

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The (Passive Aggressive) Love Your Spouse Challenge

by ParentCo.

Four days of status updates to express gratitude for my spouse? Fine. Should I start with the way his dirty clothes make it NEXT TO the hamper?

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My Nanny Became My "Village" – And Saved My Sanity

by ParentCo.

When things got tough, turning to the woman who shared nearly all of my life was more therapeutic than I could have imagined.

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Why I Let My Kids Play With Toy Guns

by ParentCo.

The decision of whether or not to let kids play with fake guns is one that many parents give a lot of thought to.

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4 Reasons to Stop Judging and Take Your Kid to a NASCAR Race

by ParentCo.

It's loud, exciting, and more fun for the family than you may have thought.

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Kid Made Recipe: Pepitas Chocolate Chip Cookies

by ParentCo.

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