10 Times My Parenting Channels The Griswold's

by ParentCo.

Forget other seasoned parents, facebook groups, or playdates. I get my parenting wisdom from these genius National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation quotes.

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The Unbearable Monotony of Maternity Leave

by ParentCo.

This three months off isn't a decadent vacation. It's three months of being stranded in motherhood.

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If My Son's ADHD Were a Super Power

by ParentCo.

If my son's ADHD were a super power, it would be a hero's cape, not a red flag.

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About That Day I Forgot My Cell Phone

by ParentCo.

Once you get past the panicky sweats, there's a freedom in leaving the phone behind.

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two young mothers

10 True Things About Being a Mom Your Nice Friends Won't Tell You

by ParentCo.

Your friends may be holding out on you. Allow me to set the record straight on what you can expect from this parenting gig.

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How to Raise Critical Thinkers in a World That Desperately Needs Them

by Carrie Howe

We should be striving to raise kids who ask thoughtful questions, challenge the "experts," and closely examine the answers.

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Fastest 400 Meter Runner EVER Coached by a Great Grandmother

by ParentCo.

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4 Practices From Around the World To Help Make Parenting More Joyful

by ParentCo.

Parenting differs greatly from culture to culture. In each, there are ways to find the joy in raising kids.

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Why I Don't Make My Kids Do Chores

by Rebecca Lang

Kids have their entire adult lives to tend to mundane tasks. For now, I'm heeding grandma's advice, doing the chores and letting them be kids.

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Are Extracurricular Activities Enriching or Distracting?

by ParentCo.

Staying busy to the point of distraction is harmful to adults and just as detrimental to our children.

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The End of Spanking: Why the Research Says It's Time

by ParentCo.

Spanking has been an accepted form of discipline for generations. But as a nation of evolutionary change, it's time we stopped.

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Dear Son, Now That You Have a Girlfriend...

by ParentCo.

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Needing Space From My Family Makes Me Feel Like a Failure

by Alison Wilkinson

The need to be alone is as biological as the one to build a family. But recognizing that need comes with a guilt mothers often can't ignore.

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Why We Make Our Sons Watch Women's Sports

by ParentCo.

Cheering on strong, fast, and powerful women is as much a priority in our house as Sunday Night Football.

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Swimming in the Mom-Friend Dating Pool

by ParentCo.

My newborn son was amazing in every way, but I desperately wanted something more. It was time to began the daunting process of “Mom Dating.”

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Self-Interest is Not Selfish in Relationships

by The Gottman Institute

It’s hard to fault someone for being selfless. That doesn’t mean that being in a relationship with a supremely selfless person is fundamentally easy.

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Kid Made Recipe: Pie Crust Lattice!

by ParentCo.

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The Reason You Won't Find Seat Belts on a School Bus

by Rebecca Lang

We'd never dream of putting our kids in the car without properly buckling them in. So why are school buses an exception? The answer may be simple.

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Remembering My Self Between Departure and Arrival

by ParentCo.

Preparing to leave the role of mother behind for just a few days can be nerve-wracking, emotional, and empowering.

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The 5 Stages of Head Lice: From Denial to Depression

by ParentCo.

My experience with head lice can be summed up in five phases similar to Kubler-Ross' five stages of grief: Denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance.

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Secrets, Shopping, and Sharing on Amazon Prime

by ParentCo.

You know what couples aren't obligated to do? Peek into every nook and cranny of one another's consciousness.

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One Grandmother's Take on Babysitting

by ParentCo.

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Babies Reach for Toys More When Adults are Around

by ParentCo.

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3 Common Reasons Kids Struggle With Math - and How You Can Help

by ParentCo.

Math doesn't come easy for many kids. But conquering these common struggles can take their learning to the next level.

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