Racism is in the Details

by ParentCo.

Two mothers reflect on the implications of the length of their son's hair. For one, it's a preference; for the other it could mean life or death

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7 Cooking Essentials For Every College Student

by ParentCo.

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Attention Issues in Childhood can Have Lasting Effects

by ParentCo.

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Teach Delayed Gratification to Your Kids

by ParentCo.

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9 Concerns You Need to Share With Your Child’s Doctor

by ParentCo.

While there is a wide range of normal development, early detection of sensory, speech, and physical issues can greatly improve outcomes.

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Apparently Fertility Treatment Works for Most Women

by ParentCo.

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Who is the Most Awesome Runner Ever? This Guy!

by ParentCo.

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Ways Parents can Help Underage Kids Resist Alchohol

by ParentCo.

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Imagine a World Without Work, What Would it Look Like?

by ParentCo.

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5 Things Parents are Told to Worry About (But I Don't)

by ParentCo.

It's possible that the issues parents are told to freak out about aren't even the ones that make a real difference in the long run.

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All the Monsters My Kids Don't Know

by ParentCo.

We know we shouldn't allow the harsh judgments of strangers to get under our skin, but sometimes it's hard to let them go.

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Parents May Pass on Chronic Pain to Children

by ParentCo.

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Ikea Issues Recall on Some Kids Furniture

by ParentCo.

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You Must Understand Resilience is A Process Not A Thing

by ParentCo.

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Read Aloud to Your Kids EVERYDAY! Here is Why

by ParentCo.

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5 Things a Working Parent Can Do to Cultivate Summer Joy

by Carrie Howe

Summer can be total bliss. On the other hand, as a working parent who doesn't get to slow down simply because the temp rises, it can feel a little daunting.

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College a Challenge for Students With Kids

by ParentCo.

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More Trees can Mean less Aggressive Kids

by ParentCo.

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If You Give a Boy a Bag of Chips ...*

by ParentCo.

Sometimes it's all just one predictable disaster after another.

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Why the 4th of July is the Date of Our Celebrated Independence

by ParentCo.

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The Silver Lining of Being Bullied in Childhood

by ParentCo.

The Silver Lining of Being Bullied in Childhood

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Yes, My Kid Kicked Yours in the Face; I Won't Make Her Apologize

by ParentCo.

With two sides to every story, there should never be a rush to judgement. Even when one kid has a footprint on his face.

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Setting Limits for "Spoiled" Kids

by ParentCo.

Setting Limits for "Spoiled" Kids

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How to Win the Heart Battle: Allowing Love to Conquer Fear

by ParentCo.

We can choose to parent from a place of love or fear. Setting our fears aside in order for our children to thrive is no easy task.

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