Raising Kids With a Movement-Based Lifestyle: An Interview with Katy Bowman

by Carrie Howe

The simple truth is that we and our kids spend too much time sitting. But it’s never too late to start a movement-based lifestyle.

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untidy stack of shoes thrown

Happy Mother's Day - With Teenagers?

by ParentCo.

On behalf of your teenagers, let me say, "Happy Mother’s Day, Mom. You are doing an amazing job." Pour yourself another cup of coffee and go wake them up. You’ve got Mother’s Day to celebrate!

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Cool little boy in sunglasses sitting in a child seat in the rear of a car

Wait, What - PLU (People Like Us) Syndrome?

by ParentCo.

What are we teaching our kids when we so make friendship decisions for them, based on class, socioeconomic status, race, political party, or religion?

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young man and a lady

All the Time We Are Laughing

by ParentCo.

My big brother refers to the years before I was born – when he was our parents' only child — as the best of his life. The glory days. The Era of No Trouble.

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A Mouse in the House

by ParentCo.

Not everyone is qualified to be President. But anyone can give her opinion as to who that person should be. My 8-year-old daughter, for example.

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two women sitting at table and drinking cofee and smiling

Science says calling your mom will make you feel better

by ParentCo.

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hospital corridor

Large study suggests that flu shots for moms protect infants too.

by ParentCo.

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mother and son holding hands and posing on

The Parent.co Team Solves Mother's Day

by ParentCo.

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Why "Mama" Has the Same Meaning in Almost Every Language

Why "Mama" Has the Same Meaning in Almost Every Language

by ParentCo.

For most people on Earth, "mama" shares a singular meaning: mother. Here's why.

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top view image of group of houses among the trees

School Assembly Blames Girls for Distracting Boys From Learning

by ParentCo.

A girls-only assembly to talk about inappropriate clothing has led to accusations of sexism and a move by administrators to rethink the school’s dress code.

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father and son shopping in toystore

Gender Neutral Toys on the Rise, Thanks to the Internet

by ParentCo.

Products marketed to children are more divided than ever, but the Internet is increasingly offering alternatives to Hot Wheels and Barbies.

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little baby girl sitting at table and screaming

Two-Minute Warnings Don't Help Kids Transition Away From Screentime

by ParentCo.

Two-minute warnings may work well in sports, but they don’t, apparently, work for children.

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baby girl riding a toy bike

Toddlers, Guns, and Tragedy

by ParentCo.

Shootings by preschoolers are happening at an average pace of about two per week.

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female teacher sitting at desk and writing in classroom

This Is How We Can Appreciate Our Teachers Everyday

by Carrie Howe

Here are facts to share next time you hear someone say that teachers "have it easy," are "overpaid," or are "never fired."

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two women holding hands

My Kids Have Two Moms To Celebrate On Mother’s Day

by ParentCo.

My mother-in-law asked my partner and me what we would be doing on Mother’s Day. Our answer: we’ll be mothering on Mother’s Day.

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little girl pours water from bottle in river

Infographic: What Parents Need to Know About Bottled Water-Free Events

by ParentCo.

To reduce the environmental impact of concerts and events, event organizers are increasingly reducing and even banning sales of bottled water.

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friends sitting on wooden dock during sunset

"A gap year gave me more life skills than 13 years of schooling"

by ParentCo.

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potato scallion frittata in a pan and white wine

Kid Made Recipe: Everything You Need to Pull Off An Impressive Mother’s Day Brunch

by ParentCo.

You don't need to plan for weeks to host a delicious, beautiful Mother's Day brunch at your place. One trip to the market and minimal prep will set you up.

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mother holding new born baby with nature background

How Important is Brain Research to Early Childhood Education and Services?

by ParentCo.

The science indicates that helping parents improve the way they interact with their babies has real impact on physical and mental health.

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close up view of two empty wine glasses

Drinking Can Temporarily Improve Happiness but it Doesn't Last

by ParentCo.

People momentarily happier when drinking alcohol – but over longer periods, drinking more does not make them more satisfied with life.

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mother working on laptop and her son studying

The Best (and Worst) States for Moms to Earn a Paycheck

by ParentCo.

Which places are doing their best to help moms raise their kids, contribute to the economy, and stay sane all at the same time?

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Little boy running and jumping at sea shore.

Paradise Lost on a 2-Year-Old

by Laura Richards

Wherever you go, there you are. With your kids. Bickering at the threshold of The Royal Towers Hotel lobby at the Atlantis Resort in the Bahamas

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baby legs

To My Preemie: An Apology

by Rhiannon Giles

You turn one next month. We will celebrate with tears and sadness mingled with the gratefulness and amazement at all we’ve been through this year.

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toilet paper

We Need to Talk About Pooping

by ParentCo.

Next time you child has a belly ache, consider this information.

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