Minecraft: Coming Soon to a School Near You

by ParentCo.

Microsoft announced Minecraft Education Edition will be available this summer. Children everywhere rejoice.

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Books for Kids That Celebrate Getting Outside in the Winter

by ParentCo.

This week's selections include First Snow, The Snowy Day, and Toys Meet Snow for kids aged 4 - 8.

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Returning to Work After Giving Birth: Keeping Up With the Herd

by ParentCo.

Making the surprising choice to forgo maternity leave and return directly to work. That is, to become a wildebeest.

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Children are untroubled by divorce if parents share care

by ParentCo.

Children who spend time with each of their divorced parents are no more likely to suffer from mental health problems than children of parents who remain together, Swedish researchers say.

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Digital Distraction: Many Students Spend Two-Thirds of School Year Texting & Emailing

by ParentCo.

In a new study, college students said that they spent 20 percent of classroom time using smartphones and digital devices for activities unrelated to class.

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30 fun and safe websites for kids via Today's Parent

by ParentCo.

The Internet doesn't have to be a big, scary place! Check out these 30 fun and safe websites for kids. There's something fun and educational for everyone.

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The Best Piece of Furniture We Own

by ParentCo.

My family spent the weekend in a hammock. There were other parts too, but basically we were suspended in the air on a web of cord.

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A Winter Storm and Boredom Warning From the Parents Weather Service (PWS)

by ParentCo.

WHAT TO EXPECT: Heavy snow and whining will occur.

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Robots, Jobs, and Daughters

by ParentCo.

In a new report out today, the World Economic Forum estimates that by 2020, 5 million jobs will be replaced by robots. The majority of those jobs belong to women.

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dokiWatch: The World's Most Advanced Smartwatch For Kids

by ParentCo.

It's the first-ever smartwatch for kids to feature video calling. All-in-one wearable phone, GPS locator, fitness tracker, and more - for kids.

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In Our Busy Lives, the Little Moments Mean the Most

by ParentCo.

If only it was always simple to stop everything and just connect with my daughter. This amazing child who evokes so many feelings - namely astonishment.

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Study: Teen Slang Isn't Ruining Language IRL

by ParentCo.

Think it's obvi that teens are destroying language with all their slang and internet acronyms? JSYK, according to new research, that assumption is old AF.

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How MLK's Parents Nurtured His Mind, Faith and Courage

by ParentCo.

Martin Luther King, Jr's parents had a huge influence on his thinking and social consciousness.

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MLK Quotes to Raise Children By

by ParentCo.

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Pregnant Travelers Need to Know About Zika Virus

by ParentCo.

Zika virus, spread by mosquitos, may be causing a birth defect called microcephaly: babies born with small heads and severe brain damage.

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Links We Love This Week

by ParentCo.

You've been busy this week. Here's our round up of the interesting parts of the internet.

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#WhatsInMyBag: The Momstagram Edition

by ParentCo.

The #whatsinmybag hashtag is always trending on Instagram. Most of these images are staged. I’ve compared #whatsintheirbag to what's #whatsinmybag.

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The Man Flu Is Real

by ParentCo.

For better or worse, the man flu just got a whole lotta validation from some science-types. Know the facts, ladies. Knowledge is power.

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Study: Teens Who Stand at Desks Have Sharper Minds in School

by ParentCo.

New evidence has been found for the neurocognitive benefits of standing desks in schools.

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We Analyzed A Bunch of Baby Animals And These Are The Cutest

by ParentCo.

Baby animals. Because baby animals.

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Confessions of a “Crunchy” Mom

by Carrie Howe

Yup, that’s me. Breastfeeding my daughter in our community garden plot. There is no doubt that I have become what the urban dictionary calls “crunchy.”

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Books to Inspire Kids in 2016

by ParentCo.

Resolution: Find out what makes you happy, and do it!

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by ParentCo.

Ranglemessen. One of the most annoying parts of being a parent.

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Look Out Millennials: Your Mom's On Snapchat

by ParentCo.

Who has hundreds of Snapchat friends and a cooler handle than you? Your mom.

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