Why Can’t We Fall Asleep? - The New Yorker

by ParentCo.

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the 9 circles of parenting hell cartoon

The 9 Circles of Parenting Hell, Illustrated

by ParentCo.

Limbo. Hoarding. Wrath. Scabies. Just a few of the nine circles of parenting hell, illustrated by Sarah Woodard.

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Cool, Unique Ways Cities Are Encouraging Play | A new way to play | Toca Boca

by ParentCo.

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man and women looking at a computer on a desk

Can we rely on the internet to teach our children?

by ParentCo.

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cartoon hippopotamus with a hat and a bird on its back

The (Unofficial) Children’s Book Animal Kingdom Power Rankings

by ParentCo.

Armadillos get no respect in children's books; they're at the bottom of the fictional food chain. Where do all the other animals rank? Glad you asked.

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mother and daughter getting ready to bake

How to encourage self motivation in your kids

by ParentCo.

Thoughtful encouragement is a powerful way to rid you and your family or your classroom of sticker charts, bribing, and reminding forever.

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carpenter working with wood building large item

5 links to share with your curious kids (week of 7/4/2015)

by ParentCo.

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cartoon of young boy with fireworks in the sky

Celebrating Freedom and Unity as Family

by ParentCo.

I live in Vermont, where the state motto is Freedom and Unity. This sums up America's seemingly opposite ideals; it also describes an ideal family dynamic.

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man holding boy upside down boy touching the water

(Questionable) parenting tricks that work like that a charm

by ParentCo.

Over the years, I've picked up some really effective parenting tricks, that—as a generous fellow parent—I feel obligated to share with you now.

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three young girls holding their hands up

8 Tips for Enjoying Live Music Concerts With Your Kids

by ParentCo.

Some of the most enduring family memories come from enjoying music together - especially live and in person. Here are 8 lessons to make concerts with kids even better.

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A Phys Ed Teacher Battles Tight Budgets And Childhood Obesity : NPR Ed : NPR

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woman holding a flag in a wheat field

Talking to Your Kids About Same-Sex Marriage

by ParentCo.

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jane fonda and lily tomlin in a coffee shop

Summer binge watch essentials: a non-comprehensive list

by ParentCo.

There was a time, before I became a parent, that I used to read for fun. I’d read and read and read and form opinions and feel competent and smart Nowadays (i.e. days when I use words like “nowadays”), with two young kids and the energy level of a slug, the reading doesn’t happen so much. I tried to get back into the joy of books but it felt like work, usually at a time when work was the last thing I wanted to do.

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image of red barbecue grill direct and indirect heating zones

Plan your best 4th of July cookout with these 10 free guides

by ParentCo.

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two men and a woman taking a selfie

Millennials Are Different Than Any Other Generation In History: Here’s Why

by ParentCo.

As millennials enter the workforce, some worry that they are entitled, narcissistic and lazy. Here's the truth about how millennials are different.

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100 Percent Is Overrated - The Atlantic

by ParentCo.

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Millennials More Supportive of Working Moms than Previous Generations 

by ParentCo.

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woman sitting on a couch looking at her computer

A New Communion

by ParentCo.

We moms and dads spend hours on social media. Much has been written about its adverse effects, but there's also light and beauty in this new forum.

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SCOTUS 2015: For Kennedy, it was about the children.

by ParentCo.

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two people making heart symbol with their hands

SCOTUS legalizes same-sex marriage, and the world just got a little better for our kids

by ParentCo.

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Recognition for same-sex parents (or as we call them, parents)

by ParentCo.

We are thrilled about today's Supreme Court’s ruling that the Constitution guarantees Americans a right to same-sex marriage.

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Best links of the week

by ParentCo.

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asian people doing exercises outside

5 links to share with your curious kids (week of 6/26/15)

by ParentCo.

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kids jumping on the street

Find their natural strengths and learning will follow 

by ParentCo.

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