kid boy hugging mom at kindergarden

Onsite Daycare: How One Nonprofit Is Making It Work

by ParentCo.

For working mothers employed by Kars4Kids, a nonprofit headquartered in Lakewood, New Jersey, onsite daycare is provided.

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kid looking at a wooden toy

Keeping Guilt in the Family: Why Parents Shouldn’t Toss out the Guilt

by ParentCo.

What is so good about guilt, and why I am the seemingly lone parent out there that thinks we shouldn’t banish guilt?

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young girl sticking out her tongue and pulling her ears

Empowering Your Daughter Includes Fostering Her Sense of Humor

by Candy Mickels Mejia

Even if our girls haven’t encountered it yet, studies show there is still a gender bias when it comes to humor.

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Notes From a Slacker Lunch Packer

by ParentCo.

Sometimes I scan the classroom at lunchtime to see if any other kid has a Ziploc baggie and I feel a pathetic sense of relief when I spot one.

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Screaming under the surface

Are Stereotyped Gender Roles Heaping On Extra Stress? Probably.

by ParentCo.

In a lot of modern families where both parents work, the main responsibility of caring for the children and the home still seems to fall on the mother.

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Travel tray cup and snack holder

Travel Tray | Cup and Snack Holder

by ParentCo.

Almost every parent can recall a time when they were less than safe in the car when reaching into the back seat to aid a kiddo who has dropped something.

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mother walking with her baby son in a beautiful nature as he sits on her shoulders

Resilience: Ordinary Magic For The Mind

by ParentCo.

The ability to bounce back from life’s challenges is called resilience. Resilience is the antidote to life’s big punches.

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Smiling little girl talking with brother at breakfast at home

The Simple Question That Brings Our Family Closer Every Single Night

by ParentCo.

Whether we find ourselves happy to be at that table, or barely able to look each other in the eye, at some point someone asks this question.

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young girl looking into the distance

How Playing Favorites Among Your Kids May Play Out

by ParentCo.

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girl sleeping under blanket

10 Reasons I am Grateful for My Teenagers

by ParentCo.

In honor of Thanksgiving and the season of gratitude, here are 10 reasons I am grateful to be the parent of a teenager.

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kids playing football

Boys Behaving Badly: Why We Need to Stand up to School-Age Misogyny

by ParentCo.

When we look at the big men who’ve assaulted women, we need to talk about the boys they were, and the people who ignored or indulged them.

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father cutting daughter's hair at home

Debunking 5 Head Scratching Lice Myths

by ParentCo.

The stigma of lice makes it hard to get to the truth of the matter. Many (untrue) myths remain.

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cups with and without coffee

Good News: Science Says Drinking Lots of Coffee Could Save Your Life

by ParentCo.

If you're like most parents, you can't start your day until you've had a java jumpstart. And that may be an incredibly healthy way to start the day.

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confused mother working on laptop

Revelations about My High School Reunion As Gleaned From the Internet

by ParentCo.

It wasn’t even the week of the reunion, but I already started getting ready. Unsure if I would go or not, I began recon.

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What Men Really Want Out of Sex, According to Science

by ParentCo.

When it comes to sex problems, the assumption that men and women want completely different things from sex could be just as much to blame as lack of time.

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child lying in middle of lego blocks

Why Blocks Are the Ultimate Toy for Kids of All Ages

by ParentCo.

Knowing block play has cognitive benefits that extend beyond the toddler years, how can we encourage kids to stay engaged and interested in them?

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father fixing handle car seat extension

LugBug | Car Seat Handle

by ParentCo.

LugBug is designed by engineers and ergonomics experts to alleviate that strain that comes with the unnatural carrying position of the modern car seat.

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man kissing a woman

Thanks for Choosing Me

by ParentCo.

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fossil hunting for kids

How to Help Your Kid Discover a Dinosaur

by ParentCo.

What can non-zookeeper, non-geologist, non-hiking parents do to help their kids make scientific breakthroughs?

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curious little boy looking out of the window

Beyond Books: Five Other Things Libraries Are Lending

by ParentCo.

While literacy remains an important focus of public libraries, there’s an effort by librarians to rebrand and expand their institutions.

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Rear view of little girl , drawing with pencils at home

Teaching Your Kid to Write in the Age of Autocorrect 

by ParentCo.

When we were kids, as soon as we could read and write well enough to string together a sentence, we got a journal.

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boy smelling white dandelion

Autism and Things: A Love Story

by ParentCo.

He always has things around him, this small boy of mine. The doctor told me it was a common aspect of Autism Spectrum Disorder.

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little girl playing guitar

Kids Aren't Necessarily Shy Because They're Quiet

by Michelle Downing

Don’t diminish our quiet children and label them as shy. Don’t assume they aren’t capable of being loud. Some children just don’t want to be.

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illustration of young people using phones

If Emojis Are the Modern World’s Hieroglyphics, What Message Are We Sending?

by ParentCo.

If emojis are the union of art and communication, we must continue to evaluate the message we leave behind.

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