Hand the child put the batteries in the toy

Why I Decided to Replace the Batteries

by ParentCo.

What does it say about us as a culture when we can treat so many things as disposable and temporary?

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young mother talking on phone and holding baby

11 Tips for Conquering Life With Kids When Being Pulled in a Dozen Directions

by ParentCo.

Two adults, two jobs, two kids, two schools that close often and at random, rarely-overlapping intervals. How can you make it all work?

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Depressed young woman lying on bed at home

7 Surprising Impacts of the U.S. Substance Use Disorder Crisis

by ParentCo.

An estimated 21.5 million Americans over age 12 suffer from a substance use disorder. But the impact of this crisis reaches far beyond.

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little girl writing on board

Should Cursive Go the Way of the Abacus?

by ParentCo.

Incorporating cursive into the curriculum had been on the decline. But is that in the best interest of our kids?

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cute little girl yawning and holding a book

Are the Benefits the Full-Day Kindergarten Model Enough to Warrant Such a Long Day?

by ParentCo.

Today, academics are at the front line in the school-age battle, so districts are lengthening the day for kindergartners.

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Rear view of girl holding her braid

Why My Thumbsucker Can Continue at her Leisure

by Michelle Ridell

My daughter still sucks her thumb, and, yes, we are well aware she’s way too old to be doing so.

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envious elder brother is jealous of a pile of gifts that are gifted to younger brother

Teaching Our Kids to Embrace the Lessons of Envy

by ParentCo.

Sitting with that envy and letting it be your teacher may be a good idea for all of us, including our kids.

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young girl playing volleyball

The Sport That Leads to More Concussions Than Boys' Football

by ParentCo.

Recent research reminds parents that they might be overlooking the dangers of concussions in sports besides football.

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different type of pills arranged on light blue background

New Research Suggests Treating Anxiety Doesn't Have to Take a Backseat During Pregnancy

by ParentCo.

A new study about the safety of benzodiazepines during pregnancy might give mothers some peace of mind about treating anxiety during pregnancy.

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pills tablet pregnant woman illustration

Can Folic Acid Mitigate Autism-linked Effects of Pesticides?

by Danielle E. Owen

New research suggests that taking over 800 micrograms of folic acid around the time of conception can help mitigate the autism-linked effects of pesticides.

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How to Keep Your Non-Mom Friends

by ParentCo.

How can we continue to nourish relationships with people who can’t relate to the sometimes all-consuming experience of motherhood?

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Painting of animals and fruits

If Your Child Loved “Charlotte’s Web”, They’ll Love These 8 Books About Unexpected Animal Friendships

by ParentCo.

Although “Charlotte’s Web” is forever in a league of its own, the literary world is filled with books about fanciful and unexpected animal alliances.

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Make a Cheap, No-Sew Halloween Costume for Your Kid (Without Losing Your Mind)

by ParentCo.

Some tips to make your Halloween stitch-witchery a little easier.

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Two boys walking with arms around each other's shoulders

4 Ways to Encourage Happiness in our Kids

by ParentCo.

Let’s face it, we all strive to reach the elusive state of happiness, and from time to time wonder, how do we get there?

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happy young girls in shopping mall

Victoria’s Secret? Not Without My Daughters!

by ParentCo.

The warning signals about revenge beep the loudest in my brain when my daughters drag me to those crowded sales at Victoria’s Secret.

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Young girl covering her mouth with book

Why Your Kid Should Read Banned Books

by ParentCo.

Reading banned books offers families a chance to celebrate reading and promote open access to ideas, both of which are keys to raising a lifelong reader.

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Woman eating spoon full of ice cream

Forget Hand Washing – This is How Moms Should Prepare For the Season of Perpetual Sickness

by ParentCo.

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Cinnamon Apple Cupcakes

Kid Made Recipe: Cinnamon Apple Cupcakes

by ParentCo.

This 4 ingredient, mix-and-go recipe is perfect for tiny bakers, and older kids can tackle the ziploc frosting bag challenge!

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Young Couple Sitting On Dock Of A Lake

The One Sex Talk Upgrade Your Kids Want

by ParentCo.

The sex talk has been making all parties involved uncomfortable for generations, but to the great relief of parents, there’s a revolution underway.

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pink background with white eggs

The Simple Food That Could be the Answer For Underweight Kids

by ParentCo.

Forget an apple a day. A nutrition study in Ecuador suggests that eating one egg a day for six months helped underweight children catch up.

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newspaper cuttings

10 Best Mystery Books for Kids of All Ages

by ParentCo.

Filled with suspense, codes, puzzles, and intrigue, a good mystery can captivate and engage both emerging and older readers.

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boy standing in a lake surrounded by ripples

How Raising Freethinkers Is Helping Me Raise Humanist Kids

by ParentCo.

Harnessing the real potential of wonder requires internal contemplation and quiet moments spent simply witnessing the world and thinking about how it works.

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Young boy walking hand in hand with his father

How the Power of Touch Helps Kids Thrive

by Sanya Pelini

Touch heals. An increasing amount of evidence suggests that touch has more power than we could ever imagine.

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 Young man walking barefoot across a grassy field

This Simple Biohack Will Make You Want to Take Your Shoes off A.S.A.P.

by ParentCo.

I’m not some crunchy hippie mama telling you to go hug a tree to take all your worries away. I’m talking about the science-backed practice of “grounding.”

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