Sunturds american meadow baby on a grass

Sunturds Plantable Diapers - Sprouting Up Today

by ParentCo.

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chubby baby in a child safety car seat

The Up-Chuck Maneuver: How We Used Our Toddler to Score a Great Deal on a Sweet New Ride

by ParentCo.

The carseat on the other hand...

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girl doing makeup

Ushering My Daughter Into Womanhood, One Mascara Swipe at a Time

by ParentCo.

There are times I celebrate her new-found independence, and then there are moments I grieve over the loss of the innocent baby girl I once knew.

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Crazy man with face completely in shaving foam

I'm Living in the Now (Thanks to My Shoulder Hair)

by ParentCo.

I was Adonis who still looked young and fresh! And then I turned 40.

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a mother holding a broom stick and child clinging to her leg

Your Clean House Won’t Matter 10 Years From Now

by ParentCo.

What will they remember? Focus your efforts there.

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Kid made sandwitch

Kid Made Recipe: Peanut Butter Banana Waffles

by ParentCo.

Go bananas for breakfast with these super hearty waffles! the recipe is gluten free and vegan, but there's no compromise in deliciousness.

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two boys holding pillows and watching scary movie

How to Choose a Scary Movie for Your Kid

by ParentCo.

One kid's laugh riot is another's fright fest. Learn how to choose age-appropriate scary movies.

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Little kid observing pregnant mummy big belly

The One Job I Don't Seem to Get Better at With Time

by ParentCo.

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little boy sitting on bedroom floor and playing with toys

I Can Be a Parent, But I Can't Always Be a Playmate

by ParentCo.

“Mommy, play with me.” This is how our battle begins, as it does every Saturday morning.

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Mother Gardening With Her Kids

How I Will Participate in the Climate March if I Can't March

by ParentCo.

Here's how to be there in spirit. (And still make a difference.)

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Little child wearing rain boots playing in the muddy puddle

7 Ways to Dive Into Those April Showers

by ParentCo.

Rub some dirt on it.

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toy cleaning with cleaning broom stick brush.

‘What Does It Pay?’ How Parenthood Makes Me Rethink Doing What I Love

by ParentCo.

Before kids, it made perfect sense to entire weekend doing stand-up Poughkeepsie for $200. After, not so much.

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family playing with soap bubbles

8 Ways to Adopt a Holistic Approach to Parenting

by Sanya Pelini

Make informed and conscious decisions.

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man cutting the grass with lawn mower,Woman pouring fresh water on plant in pot

When It All Becomes Too Much, What If We Danced?

by ParentCo.

What if we all danced, even when we were terrified? Especially when we were terrified?

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pregnant woman at sunset with solid color background

A Baby in My Belly and Death in My Head

by ParentCo.

The biggest surprise of my pregnancy was how much it prompted me to think about death.

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Baby daughter with pink dress standing on fathers feet

How to Carry Your Baggage – The Work of Becoming an Adult

by ParentCo.

Growing up never really ends.

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man reading book under the tree vector illustration

Celebrate Poetry Month With These Captivating Reads

by ParentCo.

How can we continue to explore rhythm, rhyme, and language with kids as they grow? These poetry anthologies and picture books are a great place to start.

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Local Dad Unloads Dishwasher, Is Hailed a Hero

by ParentCo.

A local dad is being hailed as “the next Sully” after sources close to the family confirmed what may be the greatest single act of 2017.

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little boy painting on paper

A Strong, Enduring Love Isn't Always Sexy- and That's Fine

by ParentCo.

Witty romantic comedies, seductive romance novels, and cheesy love songs- not reality.

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little boy posing with fake six pack

6 Ways To Foster Creativity, Right From Birth

by ParentCo.

When we see creative people, we usually think they’re just lucky. But that's not totally true.

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tired mother lying on bed with sleeping baby with pacifier

When it Comes to Raising Boys, Emotionally Intelligent is the New Strong

by ParentCo.

Flex those empathy muscles.

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boy and girl sitting on a bench with teddy bear and dinosaur toy

Motherhood: You Won't Always Know, but You Figure It Out

by ParentCo.

Seeking perfection is futile.

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Close up of baby's hands while standing up and holding onto the railing of the crib

Sharing is Great But There's No Shame in Wanting

by ParentCo.

Go ahead and swipe that phone from your co-worker. See how that goes.

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A kid is showing something to his father by holding a soccer

Our Kind, Responsible Babysitter is a Dude (Yes, They Do That)

by Pam Moore

And he's awesome.

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