bare feet of a cute newborn baby

Debate Club: How Many Baby Showers Is Too Many?

by ParentCo.

Two Parent Co. writers face off about baby showers.

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Can Daniel Tiger Teach You How to Be a Better Parent?

by ParentCo.

I’ve noticed that a lot of these Daniel Tiger messages translate surprisingly well to grownup life – and specifically to parenting.

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women using breast pump

6 Reasons Why Pumping Is The Actual Worst

by ParentCo.

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pencil drawing of a man sitting  in a circle

Why Is Suicide on the Rise Among Middle Schoolers?

by ParentCo.

Adolescence is a tumultuous time, with many changes happening at once. Between 2007 and 2014, the suicide rate among U.S. middle school students doubled.

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A Wild Child

by ParentCo.

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A child is snow surfing

How to Successfully Take Your Kids Skiing

by Pam Moore

The idea of skiing with your kids may feel daunting, but experienced ski parents will tell you it’s well worth the trouble.

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Drawing of teeth brushing on its own

How To Prevent Cavities in Unwilling Toothbrushers

by ParentCo.

Brushing the teeth of a flailing toddler is one of parenting's most harrowing experiences. To prevent trauma and drama for both of you, these tips can help.

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man doing welding

When Your Spouse's Line of Work Is Life-Threatening

by ParentCo.

As a supervisor at a metal foundry, my husband is in harm's way every day. It's an exhausting way to live.

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little girl cover her face  with drawing on paper

Tough Topics: Does My Child Need Therapy?

by ParentCo.

These emotional and behavioral signals given by our children, may indicate they would likely benefit from the outside support of a counselor.

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young girl covering her face with hands

The Science of Your Kids' Trust (and 5 Ways to Keep It)

by ParentCo.

Parents not only have the task of maintaining trust with their children, but they also shape how their children view trust in general.

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woman looking at her laptop screen sitting in night

Going Back to School When My Kids Were Young Was a Lesson in No Regrets

by Lisa Kanarek

During the first two semesters, my “mom guilt” set in, but it didn't last. Going back to school while having kids at home was the best decision ever.

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It's Not Too Late! 6 Resolutions We Hope Our Elected Officials Make This Year

by ParentCo.

In case they haven’t finished their list of goals yet, we have six suggestions for family-friendly resolutions we hope our policy makers are going to keep this year.

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A child on a hill

Rediscovering Awe in the World Through the Eyes of My Sons

by ParentCo.

This assimilation of my children’s awe is one of my favorite parts of being a mom. It feels like a gift their youth can offer my age.

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Girl running

My Fitbit, My Love, My BOSS

by ParentCo.

Fitbit users fall into two categories, those who love their Fitbits and those who need them.

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Collection of Hangers

Why You Don't Need a Big, Dramatic Closet Purge

by ParentCo.

These tips, collected from stylists, office organizers, time management experts, create a gradual, sustainable system called “The Sane Closet Cleanout.”

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pregnant woman showing at the ultrasound to her friends

A Thank You Letter To My Friends Without Kids

by ParentCo.

There is not enough acknowledgement of the role kid-less friends play in forming the village it takes to raise a child.

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New Peanut Recommendations Ask Parents To Be Brave

by ParentCo.

New guidelines issued this month advise parents to introduce peanuts into their kid's diets as early as possible to protect them against peanut allergies later in life.

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3 Simple Exercises to Help Your Child Fall Asleep

by ParentCo.

These simple strategies can help your kids get through the night with minimal yelling, crying, or frustration.

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A lady holding cutting the clock with knife

Is Part-Time Employment the Ideal Situation for Working Parents?

by ParentCo.

Most mothers say that working part-time would be their ideal situation. Morning snuggles and afternoon trips to the park, sure, but are there drawbacks as well?

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two women sitting on red couch holding new born baby

4 Cliché but True Bits of Advice for New Parents

by ParentCo.

No single resource holds all the pertinent wisdom necessary to successfully raise a child or children. Mostly, because every kid is completely different.

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Two happy smiling little toddlers girls friends swinging on swings at playground outside

5 Low-Effort Keys to Fantastic Playdates

by ParentCo.

There's a fine line between the success and failures of playdates. Follow these five suggestions and ensure the former.

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baby sitting on potty seat

You’re Being Lied to About Potty Training

by ParentCo.

The potty industrial complex has tricked us into thinking that potty trained is the dream. Potty trained will make life better. Except, it doesn't.

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drawing of a man sits on the bed

10 Books to Help Children Understand Mental Illness

by ParentCo.

While we want to shield our kids from concern, health professionals recommend educating kids and teens about mental illness. These books can help.

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The little girl points a finger at a stomach of mother.

I Let My Children Watch Me Give Birth

by ParentCo.

When they were three and five years old, my daughters watched me labor and give birth to their baby sister. On purpose.

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