Infant sleeping with a man

How Hypnobirthing Can Prepare You for Labor, and Life

by ParentCo.

Hypnobirthing is helping me prepare for the birth of my first child. With any luck, the techniques that have guided my pregnancy will guide labor as well.

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girl covered in paint lying on splattered paint background

How To Improve Your Child’s Mood With Colors

by ParentCo.

By considering the lessons of artists, interior decorators, and advertisers how can we as parents use the science of color to guide our children’s mood?

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Excited young boy with birthday cake

Not Every Moment Needs to Be Remembered With a Photo

by ParentCo.

Just because we have a camera in our pocket all the time, it doesn't mean taking photos should take precedence over living in the moment.

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two beautiful women's standing at wall and looking at camera

7 Things I Learned About Raising Kids From Watching the "Gilmore Girls"

by ParentCo.

It’s just a show but I'm not above taking parenting tips wherever and whenever I can get them. And I picked up a lot from Lorelai Gilmore.

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toddler holding new born baby

The Third Child Conundrum: Inviting More Mess, Chaos, and Love

by ParentCo.

Two kids. Two Parents. Two Arms. Seems best. But sometimes it's hard not to wonder what adding one more to the family would be like.

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father and son in bed

As You Don't Like It: A Bedtime Play in at Least 6 Acts

by ParentCo.

Look, I’m not a strong person. I once googled, “Can a parent be traumatized by their baby?” and Google just glared at me. Anyway, my son still isn’t asleep.

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Halloween pumpkin on the road

Are Black Cats Really Bad Luck?

by ParentCo.

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cube blocks with different patterns

Writer of Viral Minecraft Sex Mod Article Tells the Rest of Her Story

by ParentCo.

Amy Betters-Midtvedt recently wrote about an experience her kid had while playing MInecraft. The internet fired back with misconceptions she's ready to address.

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young lady trying to run , but her hands and legs are blocked by red colored ribbons

After November 6th Women Are Essentially Working For Free

by ParentCo.

Even though we're more than 50 years beyond the passage of the Equal Pay Act of 1963, women still face an uneven playing field.

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soldiers marching

Military School (Sort of) Worked For My Troubled Teen

by ParentCo.

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baby sleeping on father chest

Where Is That Piece of My Heart: On Being a Dad

by ParentCo.

It's hard to imagine what it's going to feel like to be a father. No one can predict how it's going to feel when a piece of your heart breaks free.

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baby lying on white sheet and holding her legs

4 Things My Baby Finds Way More Interesting Than Any Toy

by ParentCo.

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kids in ghost costume

I'm Not the Mom Who Makes Halloween Costumes: A Story of Self-Acceptance

by ParentCo.

Trying to fit certain ideals that have little to do with our true selves is a waste of time. Letting them go sets a better example for our kids than pretending.

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miniature house model in a bubble

Why I Cringe When People Tell Me I'm "Lucky" to Be a Stay-at-Home Mom

by ParentCo.

Lounge chair testers on the French Riviera are lucky. Stay-at-home mom's, well, maybe there's another word besides "lucky."

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sailboat on the sea

How to Be Happier in 10 Minutes or Less

by ParentCo.

By being proactive and aware of your own mind, you always carry tools that can lead you back to happiness.

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two men sitting in bikes facing opposite to each other

Every Twin on the Planet Has Been Asked These 6 Questions

by ParentCo.

Someone once actually asked me when my twin’s birthday was and if we were the same age.

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Halloween treats kid made

Kid Made Recipe: Dressed Up Halloween Treats

by ParentCo.

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Two women stand in the office near the table

For Stay-at-Home Parents, Returning to Work Takes Patience and Clarity

by ParentCo.

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planting in a pot and watering

Dear Mom & Dad: I'm Sorry My Parenting Hurts Your Feelings

by Zaeli Kane

The desire to conform to parents' expectations doesn't vanish as we enter adulthood. Regardless, we can raise our children as we see fit, without excuses.

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frowning eyes

Please Stop Telling Me to Cherish These Moments

by ParentCo.

There's nothing I love more than my kids, but seriously, if one more stranger reminds me to cherish every moment, I'm quitting this mom thing.

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mother holding her baby in airplane

Flying With a Baby: Not Hell, But Not Far From It

by Jared Bilski

Listen. Until teleportation is a thing, babies are going to be on airplanes. Sometimes it's going to be just fine. Other times, well, not so much.

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little boy on playground with his mother

10 Things I Say to My Kids That I Wish People Would Say to Me

by Kelly Riibe

We're constantly giving our kids directives. And though they may find this irritating, maybe they just don't know a good thing when they hear it.

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little boy in soapbox car

The Soapbox Car That Almost Killed Us Both

by ParentCo.

Each of these projects is another step towards making my son a man, and keeping me a child.

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women covering face with hands and sleeping on bed

The Challenge of Parenting Through Chronic Pain

by ParentCo.

Parenting is hard enough as it is. But add to that the debilitating experience of frequent migraines, and it's nearly impossible.

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