5 Kids Songs that are Morbid, Misogynist, or Just Plain Weird

by ParentCo.

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Calmer Parenting Through Mathematical Literacy

by ParentCo.

As new parents, you're often in a state of worry or panic. But statistically, the chances of tragedy are actually quite low.

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Why We Need to Butt Out and Let Our Kids Fight in Peace

by ParentCo.

Not only do our kids not need us to referee every argument, they'll be better equipped in the long run if we keep our noses out of it.

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Why It's Okay to Be Your Teen's Friend

by ParentCo.

Being friends with your teen doesn't have to mean you've dropped the parenting ball. With boundaries in place, you can have the best of both worlds.

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5 Things You Should Do When Raising Kids in Your Hometown

by ParentCo.

No matter where you go your hometown will always be your home. Whether you like it or not.

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I Wish My Toddler Still Needed Me

by ParentCo.

One day we're their everything. The next we stand by, with seemingly little to do as they do everything for themselves.

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The Unavoidable Sting of Being Left Out

by ParentCo.

When throwing a birthday party, it's a toss up between making sure no one feels left out and preserving some degree of sanity.

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I Love You, But I Really Need My Breasts Back

by ParentCo.

No one wants to be the human equivalent of a blankie. But getting the gropiest kid to keep their hands out of your shirt is possible.

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So You Want a Divorce? Hold On, It Gets Better

by Rebecca Lang

Parenting small kids can put stress on a marriage. But perhaps it does get easier, or maybe it gets more manageable, and we get better at it.

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7 Guided Meditations to Help Your Child Sleep

by ParentCo.

Settling down to sleep isn't always easy for kids. These guided meditations are a great addition to the usual warm baths, lullabies, and storybooks.

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10 Things That Happen When You Grieve the Loss of Your Mom

by Katie Karambelas 

Losing your mom is an unparallelled loss that changes you forever. It's only been two months, but this is my experience so far.

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How to Parent the Girl Who is Wired to Worry

by ParentCo.

By age 15, girls are six times more likely to have an anxiety disorder than boys. How do you recognize it? How can you help?

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My Dirty Kid Really Needs a Bath, But at Least He's Happy

by ParentCo.

Let them play in dirt. Let them cover themselves in sidewalk chalk. Let them have sticky faces. Push them out of their playrooms and save your house.

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15 Benefits the Working Spouse Has Over the Stay-at-Home Parent

by Stephen Bradshaw

Every time I get to thinking my wife has it easier staying home than I do going to work, I remember how many benefits there are to getting out of the house.

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What No One Tells You About Becoming a Parent

by ParentCo.

A beautifully written essay about how faith and trust have shaped one mother's parenting experience over the course of her child's life.

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Congratulations on Your Teenager: Here Are the Instructions

by ParentCo.

In the interest of safety, the helpful hints contained in this leaflet will assist you in getting to know your Teenager and his/her settings.

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Worry is the New Love: A Day in the Life of a Parent

by ParentCo.

They bound about, leaping from rocks, and curbs, and everything in between. Our hearts, which have taken on the form of daring little boys and girls.

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On Loving and Losing My Stepdaughter

by ParentCo.

It was not my place to build the bridge between my husband and his daughter. But as the years have passed, I realize I can build my own.

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Kid Made Recipe: Apple Butter and Cinnamon Chips

by ParentCo.

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Milk This: Our Ludicrous Adventures in Breastfeeding

by ParentCo.

If we followed every experts' recommendations about breastfeeding, my wife would need four boobs, eight arms, and twelve more hours in the day.

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Giving Up Stability Because I Want Something More

Giving Up Stability Because I Want Something More

by Kelly Riibe

The time for everything is now. And as much as I adore being a mom, I also want to be more.

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Why I Stopped Explaining So Much to My Kids

by ParentCo.

The old adage of "do as I say, and not as I do," doesn't really work. If we want our kids to really listen we need to "do" as well.

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Parenting as an Introvert: What You Need to Know

Parenting as an Introvert: What You Need to Know

by ParentCo.

The way an introvert’s brain works best goes directly against "good" parenting and culture. But it doesn't mean you can't do an amazing job.

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Beyond Hugs: How to Incorporate More Loving Touch Into Your Kids' Day

by ParentCo.

Our kids bloom when we hold, hug, kiss and love on them.

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