A boy watching flying aeroplane

Is Family Travel Worth the Investment?

by ParentCo.

Travel is often viewed as a leisure activity that's difficult to justify spending precious time and money on. But what if it's more than that?

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Christmas tree at home

When Grief Comes Home for Christmas

by ParentCo.

This is the year I learned that elevating one specific holiday to the single most anticipated family event has its down side.

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Japanese boy looking at something wearing school bag

Is It Really Possible to Parent Like Other Cultures?

by ParentCo.

Is it really possible for us to parent like the French, the Japanese, or the Danish? Not usually.

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A person is sleeping

4 Tips to Help You Master the Power Nap (and Maybe Skip the Afternoon Coffee)

by ParentCo.

If you’re finding yourself lagging mid-morning or mid-afternoon, here are a few tips to help you master the power nap.

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happy elderly woman looking  at mirror

A Made-Up Life

by ParentCo.

I filled two Hefty bags with the leftover makeup from my mother’s bathroom. Part of me was grateful she no longer needed it.

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man and woman looking at each other at a very close distance

When Marriage is as Beautiful as it Difficult

by ParentCo.

This isn’t an excuse for not working on myself or my marriage but a recognition of the challenges of this stage in life.

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picture of a baby cup

Babycup | Baby and Toddler First Cups

by ParentCo.

Put yourself in your baby’s position: how easy is it to drink out of something the size of a bucket? Little mouths need little cups.

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Cake made by kid

Kid Made Recipe: Almond Layer Cookies

by ParentCo.

These tasty cookies are a perfect holiday treat. Mix it up and use any colors you like!

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Two person standing behind bars

What It's Like to Parent From Behind Bars

by Pam Moore

It’s not every day you get to enter a prison and leave an hour later with an inmate’s story imprinted on your heart.

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young girl collecting and counting coins

How to Explore STEM Skills With Your Kid When It's Not Your Strong Suit

by ParentCo.

Many parents are challenged by math and sciences, and therefore shy away from working on those skills with their kids. But there are simple ways to do so.

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man and woman looking at each other through glass

The Inconvenience of Girls Who Want

by ParentCo.

We give girls permission to be anything they want, but we still don't want to talk to them about sexual desires and where that fits into their lives.

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kids playing on a soccer field

I Hope My Kids Don't Want to Play Team Sports

by ParentCo.

What used to be a fun pastime has turned, for many kids, into an exercise in rigor and near-obsession. If we skip team sports altogether, I won't be sad.

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boy looking at a christmas looking not too happy

We're Santa-Agnostic, But the Season Still Has Plenty of Magic

by ParentCo.

There can only be so many years of innocent acceptance before your children have some tricky questions about the big man in red.

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young woman with short hair after chemo

A Pony Tale: My Journey Through Chemo

by ParentCo.

I wanted to attend functions at my son’s school with my hair, and not a head scarf. I wanted no more tests, needles, or doctors. I wanted my ponytail back.

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Holding Your Baby Affects Their Genes and Health, According to Study

by ParentCo.

A recent study found that babies who experienced higher levels of distress and were held less had a lower epigenetic age than those who held more often.

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A child swimming in under water

Her Own Curve

by Gina Rich

The type of growth that doctors measure is the kind that’s easy to see and track in a logical fashion. But it’s not the only information that matters.

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Can Social Media Improve Vaccination Rates?

by ParentCo.

A recent study suggests that some forms of social media can effectively educate parents about vaccination, and maybe even influence their decision-making.

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person handing a child a building block

The Struggle to Find Decent Childcare is Real, According to New National Poll

by ParentCo.

According to recent findings, two out of three parents struggle to find childcare that meets their safety and health standards.

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woman using a speaker on her mobile phone

The Best App for Keeping Up With Your Mom Friends

by ParentCo.

This app has already revolutionized my female friendships, uniting us across time zones and hemispheres, weaving the loose threads of our days together.

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black females face with eyes closed

When Parenting Gets Tough, Find Someone to Channel

by ParentCo.

Putting things into perspective is, I have found, the best way to cope when parenting gets rough.

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picture of young girl with red hair

A Piece of My Heart, a Piece of Your Tendon

by Brett Ann Stanciu

I told my daughter I loved her, and that the reason I cautioned her to gather the reins of her anger was that her anger would slingshot back and hurt her.

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boy stacking cardboard boxes to build castele and spaceship

The Toys That Have Captured Kids' Imaginations For Decades

by ParentCo.

For 100 years, toy manufacturers have challenged themselves to produce the next great…cardboard box. These, which have stood the test of time, come close.

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Person standing by wearing wollen cap

Just a Little More Time

by Janene Dutt

I keep having this vision in my head of my little girl walking away, toward the building where she now lives.

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sleigh ride with snow coming down

This Orchestral Playlist is a Sleigh Ride Without the Whining That Everyone is Cold

by ParentCo.

These orchestral music pieces will evoke the feeling of a magical winter ride and excite your imagination of gliding on a sparkling snow-covered landscape.

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