young girl looking at computer screen

What Would a Year Without Homework Look Like?

by Nina Parrish

Not having homework (other than a reading log) has provided one very surprising outcome: My daughter probably does more homework.

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close up of boy with blue eyes

The Ages and Stages of a Lifetime of Awe

by ParentCo.

I must parent for the long term, for his emotional health, for his full potential. I must parent for our relationship, to ensure it lasts a lifetime.

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mom with a young child and a baby together

How Two Under Two at Age 40 Transformed My Life

by ParentCo.

I was frightened. I had no family close. I was over 40. The list went on.

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piece of an orange

Former Museum of Sex Curator Dishes on Getting Back to Gettin' Down Post Baby

by ParentCo.

It's no wonder the day you get medical clearance to have sex again just a short six weeks after having a baby, it seems as daunting as climbing Kilimanjaro.

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kids smiling and looking at the sky

What is the Perfect Age to Start Overnight Camp?

by ParentCo.

With a starting point and frame of reference, you can figure out where your kid fits on the camp readiness spectrum.

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baby by a toile tearing toile paper

Behind the Shower Curtain

by ParentCo.

As I’m showering today, though, I realize that there will come a time when the kids will no longer linger.

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question mark on yellow background

Why We Need to Stop Saying “I’m Not Good at Math”

by ParentCo.

While we may believe it, saying we’re not good at math is arguably the most damaging self-fulfilling prophecy in America today.

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image of woman blacked out

I'm a Statistic, and That's Okay

by Kai McGee

There were warning signs that we were headed for the end, but I held onto a lifeless marriage so our son would grow up with both of his parents in the home.

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mom trying to be calm in a yoga pose while kids play around her on a bed

The Art of Practicing Patience When You Basically Suck at It

by ParentCo.

If patience doesn’t exactly come naturally, let me offer you some footnotes so that we can all make it through to the other side together.

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three boys holding each other around the back

10 Good (and Bad) Habits My Kids Picked up Living Abroad

by Annalisa Nash Fernandez

Life abroad: outdoor cafes, couture fashion, art museums…but what do kids take away from it? Some good things, and some bad.

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boy and a girl on two beds side by side

I Disagree! 7 Civil Conversation Skills Every Family Should Practice

by ParentCo.

In this age of divisiveness, disturbing headlines, and excessive devices, strong communication skills are more important than ever.

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woman holding an apple looking in the refrigerator

Save Money, Eat Healthier, and Help the Environment With This One Easy Hack

by ParentCo.

Between the farm and the fridge, up to 40 percent of food in America goes uneaten.

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The Friendships Built on a Shared Transgression

by ParentCo.

Was she cool enough for me to use the forbidden word? The “multi-meaning, you either love it or hate it, use it freely or cringe at the sound of it” word?

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six chocolate truffles

5 Ways to Make Your Guest Bedroom Inviting This Holiday Season

by Erris Klapper

Even the closest of families may not be used to bunking together, so planning ahead helps everyone.

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jim carrey as andy kaufman

What If You Just Stopped Trying to Find Your True Self?

by ParentCo.

What if we really could be whoever we wanted to be and that could be a gain, rather than loss, to the net self?

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young woman looking at a card smiling

Five Tips to Make Being Thoughtful Easy

by ParentCo.

Luckily, just like most things in life, being thoughtful is skill that we can practice and develop.

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Potato Recipe made by kid

Kid Made Recipe: Potato Latkes

by ParentCo.

The trick to super crispy latkes (fried potato pancakes) is getting as much water from your grated potatoes as you can. And don't forget the apple sauce!

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point of view picture of a child in a stroller

Cures for the Common Bad Day

by ParentCo.

How do you break the bad days down so they didn't have such dominance in your mind? Better yet, is there a way to avoid them altogether?

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young boy in a corner

50,000 Preschoolers Suspended in 2016 for Being Preschoolers

by ParentCo.

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two kids not happy eating their vegetables

One in Three Still Gets You in the Parenting Hall of Fame

by ParentCo.

What if I looked at family dinners according to baseball standards? What if I stopped striving for perfection, and tried for one out of three instead?

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two girls blowing bubbles inside

Observations on Sisters From Their Mother, An Only Child

by ParentCo.

For me, based on my experience as an only child and married to an only child we made a decision that we did not want to have an only child.

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close up of old person's eyeball

Saying Goodbye to the Woman with the Porcelain Skin

by ParentCo.

This was a time of respite care, not a time of miracles. This was a time of comfort, not of formality.

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two small robots one has help written on it

A Brutally Honest Holiday Guide to STEM Toy Shopping

by Amy Barnes

As a parent, I have gotten caught in the “it is labeled STEM, it must be good” trap. And all that's gotten me is a dusty basement full of expensive toys.

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pencil with two erasers

Writing Letters to Our Fathers

by ParentCo.

For years, I'd written letters to my dad that I'd never sent, especially during the times when, like Lilly, I felt like I wasn’t being seen or heard by him.

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