Little baby in child safety seat inside of car, closeup on legs

Car Seat Safety: We’re All Doing It Wrong

by ParentCo.

A car seat study has been making the rounds, giving new parents one more thing to panic about. But it's possible the panic is misdirected.

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little girl reading book at the table

Rewards and Punishments Don't Intrinsically Motivate – These Things Do

by ParentCo.

Rather than teach them to overvalue the approval of others, we ought to teach them to follow their own quiet voice of guidance.

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couple holding hands on restaurant table

Determined to Create Your Dreams? Don't Forget This

by ParentCo.

Life without grit is like eating unsalted popcorn or beginning your day with no coffee.

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mother and her kids in Halloween Costumes

6 Tricks to Make Halloween Treats a Non-Issue for Your Allergic Kid

by Pam Moore

If you’re also wondering how to enjoy trick-or-treating without being spooked by potential allergens, here are some tips.

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Back view of Grandmother and granddaughter are walking outdoors

What Do I Tell My Granddaughter When Tragedy Strikes?

by ParentCo.

What do I tell her when she sees I am a million sad miles away when she is showing me her latest gymnastic move and I miss it or asks why my eyes are red?

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blurry little boy walking in kitchen

I Have a Hereditary Visual Disability – Is My Son a Ticking Time Bomb?

by ParentCo.

For prospective parents with chronic hereditary medical conditions, exploring this has merit. Here are three important considerations.

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little girl hugs her mother

Finding Beauty in the Brokenness

by ParentCo.

This brokenness, these outward signs of our experience so far, doesn’t make us less than others with different worries or heartbreak.

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beautiful little girl showing heart symbol

How to Keep Kids Calm During Shots (and a Bonus Reason For Doing so)

by ParentCo.

How do we possibly overcome what seems like an impossible task to keep our kids happy and calm before they get pricked? Here are some ideas.

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boy is playing with dinosaur shadow

Please Appreciate My Dinosaur Identification Skills

by ParentCo.

The depth of my sons’ collective dinosaur knowledge is impressive, but it’s more than slightly intimidating to normal people.

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High angle view of girl arranging phootos on floor at home

What New Science Tell Us About Kids' Memory and What That Means for Parents

by ParentCo.

Your kid’s brain is not able to recall detail and stories of events in the same way that your adult brain is.

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little boy looking up and pointing finger up

What My Son's Speech Delay Taught Me About Determination

by ParentCo.

I was determined to guide him as he navigated life with minimal language. He was determined to have people understand him.

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Mother and Daughter touching foreheads

How to Find the Sweet Spot in Discipline: Parenting Advice From a High School Teacher

by ParentCo.

There is a way to be genuine with your kids, have a good relationship, and still be the parent. You aren’t losing your influence, it’s just changing.    

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woman patiend sitting on bed in hospital

Moms-To-Be, You Should Still Get Flu Vaccines

by ParentCo.

A clickbait article is spreading like, well, the flu, and is likely to significantly impact pregnant women's behavior at doctors' offices this flu season.

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legs of father and son

My 7-Year-Old's Top Concern After Getting "The Talk"

by DeQuan Jones

All that research and preparation goes out the window when you're face-to-face with your kid about to have "The Talk."

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What Does Single Motherhood Mean for Kids?

by ParentCo.

Surprise! A growing body of research finds kids in single parent households aren't sentenced to lives of poverty, crime, or addiction.

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woman with boby hairstyle standing near bed

Managing Your Teens' Attitude Takes This Shift in Yours

by ParentCo.

By shifting my focus from protecting myself to helping my teenage daughter manage her angst, I learned to “not engage.” 

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chinese little girl in blue dress with hands up

From Mentor to Meltdown: How to Handle Your Highly Verbal Preschooler

by ParentCo.

One minute it feels like you’re talking to a mini-adult, the next you’re dealing with a screaming newborn. Here's some help.

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women is shouting by seeing the alarm clock

Addicted to the Rush of Rushing? Your Chronic Lateness Might Be More Than a Bad Habit

by ParentCo.

Depending on how chronic your pattern, you might actually be addicted to being late.

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Football playing

All Parents Should Kick It Like Beckham 

by ParentCo.

Youth sports have become less about having a good time and getting exercise and more focused on competition. It's time to bring some playfulness back.

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Woman is clapping for movie scene

If Women Were Erased From Movies, How Much Would the Average Script Change?

by ParentCo.

If you were to scan 1,000 random film scripts, you might notice a common trend: female characters are rarely central to the plot.

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Mother is reading reciept with her baby on lap

What Is the Children’s Health Insurance Plan, and Why Does It Matter

by ParentCo.

Here is CHIP 101 – a brief overview of everything you need to know about this important program.

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Washroom water tap

Dr. Mom

by ParentCo.

A good psychologist helps a child and gets paid for it. A good mother tries in vain, and then her child succeeds in spite – not because – of her help.

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child is sleeping with finger crossed

Why Honesty Is Good for Our Kids' Health

by ParentCo.

Lying is part of human nature. In fact, it's essential to children’s development and can even have some surprising benefits.

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Child is playing by holding hand

Navigating the Tricky Waters of Kids and New Partners

by ParentCo.

Once you’re divorced with a child, that is a background fact for the rest of your life. Nothing will change it.

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