Kid checking post box

Forgiving My Father While He Was in Prison

by ParentCo.

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Spider inside cup

Why do I Save Spiders?

by ParentCo.

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Person biting tounge

The Silly Sex Dream That Woke Me Up

by ParentCo.

After I stopped laughing at him, I started to reflect. Why would he be dreaming about bad sex with 80s icons? It had to be our lame sex life, right?

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A boy covering body with towel

The Time My Nephew Washed His Hair With Nair

by ParentCo.

He calmly explained that the bottle said “hair remover,” which he interpreted to mean having the ability to remove extra dirt from hair.

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A kid is looking at a dark light

My Toddler Taught Me More About Mindfulness Than Deepak Chopra Ever Could

by ParentCo.

I could go off into the mountains for a month-long retreat and I still wouldn’t come close to being as present as my daughter is every night at bedtime.

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Veg puff made by kid

Kid Made Recipe: Puff Pastry Veggie Pizza

by ParentCo.

Pick up some puff pastry and get going on this easy, tasty, pizza style dinner! If you like it spicy try cooked chicken, shredded mozzarella and jalapeños!

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Crying baby

Cry-Baby and Other Questionable Baby-Related Expressions

by ParentCo.

There are a lot of expressions out there about babies. You've heard them, you've used them, and now it’s high time to see how they stack up.

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Blurred view of  kids climbing stairs

4 Practical Ways to Tame the Homework Headache

by ParentCo.

Before homework turns into a battle of wills or a cascade of tears, try these tips to keep the peace.

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Group of girls playing with colours

Genius Ways Companies Get Kids to Do Their Marketing for Them

by ParentCo.

Kids are kids. They're susceptible to marketing messages, sensitive to peer approval, and impulsive.

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A kid is sitting under fallen leaves

What You Need to Know for Taking Professional Outdoor Photos This Fall

by ParentCo.

Preparation and realistic expectations are key for those wanting memory making moments to be captured on film by professionals.

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Doctor Doing Check And Physiotherapy Rehab After Injury

5 Payoffs of Watching Your Kid Battle Through a Sports Injury

by ParentCo.

As with every sport, the risk of injury looms. What’s amazing as a parent is seeing the perseverance of a kid determined to heal and get back in the game.

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A guy is sitting in a depression

It's Not Just a Statistic When It Happens to You

by ParentCo.

The bone marrow biopsy confirmed the news we dreaded and a whole new chapter of our lives began, one in which we never imagined ourselves participating.

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I Teach at a University and I Unschool My Kids

by ParentCo.

Unschooling rejects the idea of replicating the school environment at home in favor of self-directed learning through engaging fully with the world.

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Two guys are discussing each other

Don't Talk to Your Sons About Sex – Talk About This Instead

by ParentCo.

If you’re wondering about the right time to talk to your son about sex, then recent research has some recommendations for you: don’t.

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A woman is sitting and noddling her head


by Amy Barnes

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A girl is sitting in a room by seeing her multiple images by giving expression

What I Learned From Being a Test Subject for the F.B.I.

by ParentCo.

I remember feeling like I should have tried to disguise my handwriting because now I was exposed. How could 10 sentences betray me so?

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A mother is giving blanket to a sleeping child

What Would A Better Mother Than Me Do?

by ParentCo.

The thing is I don't know a single mother who does feel like she knows what she's doing. Not in real life, anyway.

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Kids showing homework activities in a class room

5 Productive Questions to Ask at Teacher Conferences

by ParentCo.

Addressing the following questions will give both you and teacher a better understanding of the child throughout the year.

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A boy is sitting in a burial ground

Indulging My Son's Obsession With Funerals

by ParentCo.

Our loved ones know that he has autism, so they’re less likely to freak out if he does his “happy dance” at the sight of a real casket and funeral home.

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A girl is sitting behind with feeling back pain

Living With Fibromyalgia – Understanding What It Is and How to Move Forward

by ParentCo.

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Parenthood caring to a child

Parenting as an Introvert

by ParentCo.

I find nothing wrong with needing time and space to recharge, but I am also learning to welcome challenges to my assumption that it’s immutable.

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Pediatrician diagnising a child

The Best Question to Ask When Interviewing a Pediatrician

by ParentCo.

The best question you can ask your child's potential pediatrician has nothing to do with credentials or office policies.

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A child giving funny expression by opening tongue

Why the H-Word Is Allowed in Our Home

by Pam Moore

Understanding the vital role of connection in brain function makes it easier to step back, and listen to the feelings underneath the ugly words.

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A child is sitting near river side

4 Ways to Go From Overwhelmed to Lightheartedness

by ParentCo.

If you are tired of being overwhelmed and are looking for some lighthearted relief, these four tips can help you through.

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