A child sitting on stairs holding teddy

Helping Little Ones with Big Emotions

by ParentCo.

Not every parent knows how to validate the full spectrum of their child’s feelings.

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Blood plus blood equals heart

5 Ways to Save a Life for Childhood Cancer Awareness Month

by ParentCo.

One in 285 children is diagnosed with cancer by age 20. There are ways to help that can actually save lives.

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A child peeping through a hole

3 Tenets to Prepare Your Kids for the Future When You Have No Idea What's Coming

by ParentCo.

We can help minimize the kickback for our kids by teaching them how to embrace the idea of change with just a few shifts of their mindsets.

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A baby using mobile phone

6 Ways the New iPhone 8 Can up Your Parenting Game

by ParentCo.

The new iPhone 8 is scheduled to be released on September 15, and some new features are a parent's dream.

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A child lying on fruits and holding two

I'm the Allergy Mom, and Yes, I Know You're Not Thrilled

by ParentCo.

A few tips and pieces of advice that I’ve honed over the years that can hopefully help if you have an allergic kid in your child’s classroom.

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an airplane flying with rea and white stripes background

Despite Our Fears, We Need to Restore the Unity We Felt After 9/11

by ParentCo.

In the days and months that followed 9/11, we were united through grief. These days seem to be divided by fear.

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A child sitting in front of a table

6 Ways to Play Nice With Your Kid’s Teacher

by ParentCo.

One key to a child’s success both socially and behaviorally is the relationship between the teacher and the parents.

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A child on its mothers arms

When an Old Scar Reveals a New Truth About Motherhood

by Kathy Sisson

Memory transports me back to the OR and I’m in essentially the same savasana position: flat on my back, arms outstretched, hands open.

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A lady holding her head

If You Feel Dumber Than You Used To, Thank Your Kids

by ParentCo.

After years of compiling data and case studies, the scientific team at Studies-R-Us has determined as kids age, parents do, in fact, get dumber.

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Two children using a laptop

5 Questions Teachers Wish You Would Ask Them About Screen Time, Tech, and Internet Privacy

by ParentCo.

Teachers -- who are on the front lines of the tech-infused school day -- are experts at helping families manage this stuff so that kids can learn.

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Holding arms

Mothers Hold Children’s Hands for a While – or Sometimes Forever

by ParentCo.

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A child drinking from a glass using a straw

If Recollection is Subject to Our Own Perspectives, I Hope My Kids Remember It This Way

by Donna Kennedy Maccherone

When we look at any one of the photographs that depict a childhood, the unspoken story therein will be read differently by each of us.

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kid made mix vegitable

Kid Made Recipe: White Bean Chicken Chili

by ParentCo.

If you’ve got leftover chicken and a tween prep cook, you’re on your way to a warm, hearty delicious dinner that everyone will love.

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A city

It Would Have Been Better If Kevin Hadn't Come

by ParentCo.

I think all parents worry that one of their kids is being shortchanged in some way. This fear increases exponentially when you have a special needs child.

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Two children writing on a black board

The Project Management Tool You Can Use to Wrangle Your Family

by ParentCo.

Everything from crazy family mornings to chores and attitude problems can be addressed by stealing this corporate tool and applying it to the home.

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A child holding icecream

Rewards and Bribery – Aren’t They the Same?

by ParentCo.

Some parents assume rewards and bribes are synonymous. They aren’t. There’s actually a huge difference.

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Couple watching television sitting on a sofa

Could Drinking Together be the Secret to a Long-Lastingly Happy Marriage?

by ParentCo.

A recent study suggests when older couples participate in concordant drinking (drinking together), the negativity within their relationship decreases.

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Breast pump automatic

SpeCtra Baby USA | 9 Plus Breast Pump

by ParentCo.

The 9 Plus is a steady, mobile nursing solution. Why not invest in a breast pump that’s going to make life better for you, your baby, and your partner?

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A lady and a child touching head, lady holding bowl

Starting Over: When Mama is Nana

by Linda DeMers Hummel

The term “grandfamilies” has entered the lexicon.

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Children playing on a beach

When Fancy Underwear Gave Me Back My Perspective

by ParentCo.

How easily we can imagine to buy more, to have more, and maybe to be more, would be so much better in every way than where we are right now.

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Pattern of leaves

Most Anticipated Teen/YA Books for Fall/Winter 2017

by ParentCo.

Teenagers and adults alike will want to get their hands on these fresh new books this fall and winter.

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Legs of two person below the table

I'm Thirty-Five Years Old and Finally Dating

by ParentCo.

We "hung out," "hooked up," and "did things with other couples," but my husband and I never dated each other. Until now.

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A mother guiding her child to place plate on dishwasher

The Simple Time Management Trick That Boosts Your Productivity

by ParentCo.

The effect of time blocking can increase productivity and tighten up the day, leaving those who practice it feeling like they know where their time went.

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A person inside a TV

The Secret to Lin-Manuel Miranda's Success? Standing Ovations From His Parents

by ParentCo.

The pieces of his life that struck me most, though, weren’t the obvious. It was watching a video of him holding court as a little boy.

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