doctor interrupting patients

Your Doctor’s Interruptions May Be Good for Your Health

by ParentCo.

Often doctors are painted as people who aren't listening to their patients. But there's research that says they're doing it for good reason.

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little girl cuts her hair with scissor

Nothing About This Girl of Mine Needs Fixing

by ParentCo.

I’ve watched friends mourn over lost hair, but ultimately accept the change. But this time, it's my daughter and quite frankly, I'm proud.

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woman with curly hair in a orange hoodie against nature background

Teenage Tales of Love and Trust in an Ugly Orange Hoodie

by ParentCo.

Friendship and security showed up at our house in the form of an ugly orange hoodie this year. At first it was worn by a teenage boy.

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These Books Prove Princesses Are Awesome, but They're Not What You Think

by ParentCo.

Stereotypical princess stories often follow the same general outline: princess in trouble, prince saves the day, they live happily ever after. These don't.

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Why I Hesitate When a New Mom Friend Sends a Friend Request

by ParentCo.

It’s not that I don’t want to see cute pictures of their kids or hear what they had for dinner. It's more political than that.

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Having to Work Doesn't Mean Missing Out on Summer Memories

by ParentCo.

Summer’s not an ocean breeze for working moms. We try hard to make it as fun as we can, but inside we’re secretly freaking out about missing out.

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How to Get Your Kids to Stop Losing Their Stuff Without Losing Your Mind

by ParentCo.

Some kids may be naturally organized, but, it is up to us to teach them how to keep track of their things and to realize the importance of responsibility.

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10 Stories of Family Adventures Inspired by "Rash"

by ParentCo.

Eleven books about families – both real and imagined – traveling near and far, both for parents and their children, one of them by a Parent Co. writer!

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Don't Knock the "Mom" Label

by ParentCo.

Literature, bras, large vehicles, haircuts, jeans, music, movies.What do these things have in common? Having a "mom" contingent.

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4 Ways to DIY That Will Actually be Successful

by ParentCo.

DIY projects do not need to be expensive or complex in order to be fun for the family. Here are few to get you started.

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Admiring My Kids For the Role Models They Are

by ParentCo.

Here are five ways that my kids are my role models and exactly the kind of people I'd like to be when I grow up.

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Managing Serious Allergies During the Tween Years

by ParentCo.

Six years after dianosis, we are now in the thick of dealing with the social elements of food allergies with a tween.

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Ditching Antiperspirant May Be Less Offensive Than You Expect

by ParentCo.

Now that my firstborn has started to work up his own man-stink, I’ve begun to reconsider that puberty rite of passage, antiperspirant and deodorant.

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group of teenagers

Growing up Is Hard to Do

by ParentCo.

Both of my children are beginning to fully realize the ramifications of growing up. After all, it’s not called growing down.

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a craftsman

Do's and Don't's for the Middle-Aged Retiree

by ParentCo.

Whether your find yourself in the position of middle-aged retirement by circumstance or by design, you're going to need some guidance.

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three teenagers

How I'm Going to Help My Kids Get Through the Armpit of Life That Is Adolescence

by ParentCo.

There are many scientific reasons why adolescence is the worst time in your life. But you survived it the first time. You'll make it through your kid's too.

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kids in kindergarten

Five Ways to Make the First Day of Kindergarten a Success

by ParentCo.

Here are some of our tried and true tips to make the first day of kindergarten as smooth and stress-free as possible.

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sad boy

The Childhood Illness You Cannot See

by ParentCo.

No one ever mentions that children, even at very young ages, can suffer from depression

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8 Hugs a Day to Keep the Blues Away

by ParentCo.

It is not only an old wives' tale that hugging is of great benefit. Research has confirmed it as well. 

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man and woman on couch

My Mom's Generation Doesn't Have to Understand My Divorce

by ParentCo.

After my divorce, I’ve overheard a 100 times: "What is wrong with your generation? In my day, we just coped."

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At the End of Everything, Could What You Have Now Be Enough?

by ParentCo.

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5 Skills -- from Empathy to Manners -- That Tech Might Be Eroding (and What to Do About It)

by ParentCo.

Here are five ways tech has nibbled away at valuable life skills and experiences, and what you can do about it.

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Kid Made Recipe: Calzone Quesadillas

by ParentCo.

Got summer tomatoes? We have a recipe for you! We think it combines the best parts of two kid favorites - pizza and quesadillas.

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10 Kids' Books to Inspire Their Inner Julia Child

by ParentCo.

Here are 10 books that connect some overt literacy to cooking project fun.

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