Genetic Testing – How Much Information is Too Much Information?

by ParentCo.

A new phenomenon called “recreational genetic testing” has arrived. As parents, we will have some arduous ethical decisions to ponder.

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Horseback Riding Can Improve Children's Cognitive Ability

by ParentCo.

I knew horseback riding had health and therapeutic benefits, too, but I never suspected that it could expand her learning ability well beyond the sport.

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My Plans For Having Kids (Before I Actually Had Them)

by ParentCo.

I remember back before I had kids, when I first found out my wife was pregnant, I had plans for what type of parent I was going to be.

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Fighting and Losing the Battle of the Junk

by ParentCo.

What if, instead of constant decluttering, and then re-cluttering with new things, we brought in less in the first place?

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Finding Love in A Wave of Frustration

by ParentCo.

I love them through their sads and angrys. I struggle to show love through mine.

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I'll Never Be That Kind of Parent

by ParentCo.

Once you actually have your own kid, the ideas about parenting you harbored in your mind become a startling reality that messes up all your best-laid plans.

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All the Things I've Done When Tired That I'm Not Ashamed to Tell You

by ParentCo.

You will be too tired, and too neglected and you will feel like your life has run away without you. This is normal and okay.

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Kid Made Recipe: Cheesecake Bites

by ParentCo.

Smooth and creamy no-bake cheesecake gets a salty/sweet kick from an unexpected pretzel crust! Top them any way you like - we went with assorted berries.

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No, You're Not Raising a Serial Killer

by ParentCo.

When our kids act out, we take it as an opportunity to mold them into the good people they will become.

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Nurture Until They Shine on Their Own

by ParentCo.

It’s their life, not mine. I guess I can’t hold too tightly to something that’s not mine to begin with.

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Have I Ever Been Fun? A Diary of Morning Sickness

by ParentCo.

Dear reader, I offer you, these short yet desperate notes taken in the midst of my most nauseous times. May my discontent ease your own.

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8 Middle-Grade Mystery Series for Your Kid Detective

by ParentCo.

Here are eight excellent modern mystery series that will appeal to your burgeoning detective.

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5 Ways to Meaningfully Support a Friend Through a Miscarriage

by ParentCo.

You can support a friend during one of the most difficult things she’ll ever have to go through. She needs you.

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Keeping Her Father Present in His Absence

by ParentCo.

Her dad is off somewhere else, living his own life, in pursuit of (we hope) a better financial future for our family.

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Connect Instead of Correct and Other Ways to Change Your Parent Perspective

by ParentCo.

Changing the way you view parenting will create a stronger and more positive relationship between you and your children.

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There Is a Song Inside of You Yet

by ParentCo.

What you feel right now is real. It is not your fault. This is not where it ends.

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Your Kids’ Friends Probably Influence Them More Than You Do

by ParentCo.

Threat of rejection – or peer pressure, as it’s normally called – is why our kids’ friends hold such incredible influence over them.

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Always Have a Friend Who Saves You From Yourself

by ParentCo.

You’re more than a mother, with interests, opinions and guilty pleasures to discuss. She's not going to let you forget that.

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The Art of Taking Things Literally is an Art of Childhood

by ParentCo.

Childhood is littered with literal misinterpretations.

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You Don't Always Have to Diffuse Your Kid's Anger

by ParentCo.

Sometimes the best thing we can do is step down off our platform of being the “boss” and allow our kids to express themselves and have a voice.

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It's Not Always the Score of the Game That Makes it a Winner

by ParentCo.

He might actually remember this experience, which turned an otherwise forgettable game into a lesson that he’ll carry with him for the rest of his life.

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May the Fourth Be with You: 7 Ways to Celebrate Star Wars Day

by ParentCo.

If you share a love for Yoda, or have ever taken a Buzzfeed quiz on whether you’d join the dark side, it’s time to join “forces” on May fourth.

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5 Signs We’re Tired of Talking Politics

by ParentCo.

We’re talking an “off” day from the rigorous mental routine we’ve subjected ourselves to for the last long while.

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The Only Thing to Fear Is Fear Itself, and Perineum Tears

by ParentCo.

This was really going to happen again. I was going to have to deliver another baby. Then, as suddenly as it had begun, it all went away.

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