Preparing children for school after summer break provides direction and fosters a positive attitude toward returning. It sets the stage for a successful year.
If your child is skittish about returning to school, you can help them overcome their stress. Start with seeking to understand what's behind the anxiety.
Early childhood education programs lay the foundation for continued learning, which means you should take time to explore your potential child care provider.
When you teach water safety skills, you can add sustainable water practices, so your kids can learn to be careful around the water while taking care of the planet.
What many may not realize is that readiness for potty training isn't just about age—it's more about your child's individual development. Here's how to know.
In an effort to improve both manners and self-esteem, here are five easy tips to practice when accepting a compliment. You'll help raise a gracious kid.
As a member of the household, and in the interest of building skills that they'll need for a lifetime, your kids should be doing chores. Here's the case for why.
If you’re a busy parent looking for easy, dirt-free ways to celebrate our Earth with your child all year long, here are 7 fun, simple ideas to try with your family.
There are endless other little lessons that I hope my children pick up on through gardening. I'm looking forward to the ones they point out to me someday.
From the beginning, our interactions with our children are teaching them how to express their wants and needs to eventually become independent human beings.
Here’s an easy and inexpensive holiday craft that kids of all ages can make- CinnamonOrnaments! Gather just a few ingredients, a few cookie cutters, and ribbon or string and getready to roll.
Kindness does not always come naturally—especially to little ones who are just beginning to develop. It’s up to us parents to nudge them in the right direction.
When kids learn how to code they also learn important life skills like how to communicate and solve problems. For parents, the question is where to start. Here are 5 answers.
Short-sightedness is epidemic for modern kids. It's tempting to blame screen time, but the problem really lies in the spaces where they live and learn.
Since the dawn of time, the process of birth has evolved. But no period in history has seen such monumental change as we have in the last several decades.
Here's how to instill gratitude in your children and teach them how to express appreciation for their teachers. Plus, songs and stories to inspire both of you.
There is so much to celebrate. These seven children’s books will help you bring that magic home to your kids during the holiday season and cooler months of the year.