happy mother touching newborn baby's nose

How to Successfully Bring Your Baby Along on a Work Trip

by ParentCo.

If you’re facing a trip away from your infant that you don’t feel good about, think about whether you might be able to bring her along.

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new born and young girl in bed

Coming Home from the NICU Is Hard, and That's Okay

by Jodi Klaristenfeld

It's absolutely normal to question yourself: “Am I ready to take my baby home? Can I do this?” YES, you can! Your journey does not end now that your child is home.

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girl crying in a field

Finding the Fun in Teaching Patience to Preschoolers

by Joy Turner

Building patience through flexibility, resiliency and carefulness at an early age can give your children a significant advantage in life. Here's how to start.

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baby smiling at mother

Fun Ways to Raise a Master Conversationalist

by ParentCo.

You want to make sure your children will talk to you about everything, even the not-so-good stuff. So, how do we do it? Here's kid communication 101.

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boy holding his mother

7 Ways to Manage Your Kids' Anxiety

by ParentCo.

Anxiety is a symptom of an active mind. The key is pointing that mind power in a positive direction. Here are some tips and techniques that might help. 

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child crying

16 Crazy And True Reasons My Toddler Cried Today

by ParentCo.

Here are 16 reasons my toddler cried today, also known as 16 reasons this momma needs a bottle of her own every night...

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boy with a cardboard box over his head

All the STEM Treasures Lurking in Your Recycling Bin

by ParentCo.

Kids don’t look at toilet paper rolls, old markers, or cardboard and see trash. Pair that creativity with some extra supplies and they're a STEM gold mine.

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dog with funny plastic nose and eyes

April Fools' Day: A Parent’s Lament

by ParentCo.

I used to love April Fool’s Day. But after I became a teacher and a parent, I found myself removed from the role of prankster. I had become the prankstee. I guess I still have a soft spot in my heart for a harmless April Fool’s prank. 

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young girl and boy playing with abc block toys

11 Toys Siblings Can Enjoy Together Squabble-Free

by ParentCo.

Is there a way to avoid the playtime battlefield? Maybe not completely, but a few select choices might encourage cooperation over competition.

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two kids walking through a garden

3 Ways Your Kids Can Find Mindfulness Through Nature

by Sandi Schwartz

From visualizations to nature sound apps, there are so many ways to experience mindfulness using nature even from inside the comfort of your home.

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two boys watching tv

5 Reasons to Let Toddlers Watch TV

by Julie Garwood

Backed by lived experience, grace from fellow wise parents, and research, here are five reasons to allow young children to indulge in some screen time.

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mother and daughter laughing at the beach

Your Kid's Beach Questions Answered

by Cheryl Maguire

Next time you're at the beach, don't let the kids stump you with these questions. Here's a primer on seagulls, sea glass, and other answers for curious kids.

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young boy looking at ipad

How Does Screen Time Impact Toddler Attention and Development?

by ParentCo.

Most infants and toddlers are engaging with screens every day. Here's more about what that means for development and attention, and how to use screens best.

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two kids and two dads smiling

How to Teach Toddlers about Diversity and Uniqueness

by Joy Turner

Highlighting individuality, creativity, talent and humor can make a deeply positive impact on your child. Remember that we are meant to be unique!

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mother helping daughter brush her teeth

How New Parents Can Create and Maintain a Morning Routine

by Charlie Fletcher

A solid morning routine will ensure that everyone gets fed and changed at the right time, and will give you a chance to practice some (any!) self-care.

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curious kid

5 Ways to Raise a Brilliantly Curious Kid

by ParentCo.

As tempting as it may be to discourage relentless inquiries, everyone will benefit when we encourage curiosity.

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girl looking through telescope

10 After-Dark Activities for Kids Who Love Nature

by ParentCo.

Even if your kids play outside during the day, these 10 activities will connect your child with the natural world at night.

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kids at a birthday party

19 Gifts That Will Make the Future Better For Your Kids

by ParentCo.

In recent years the toy industry has gone into gender specific toy marketing overdrive. These great gift ideas defy the stereotypes.

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baby playing in a park

5 Ways to Foster Free Play

by ParentCo.

While we might be tempted to schedule and program our children constantly, a balance of time for free play can be extremely valuable.

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3 Breathing Exercises to Calm Kids of All Ages

3 Breathing Exercises to Calm Kids of All Ages

by Sanya Pelini

Teaching kids to use these visual breathing exercises can help them learn to use breath effectively.

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boy shows his teeth and toothbrush

10 Fun and Creative Ways to Make Mornings Less Stressful

by ParentCo.

Getting an entire family up, dressed, fed, and out the door at an early hour is often a recipe for a meltdown (or two)! But it doesn't have to be so stressful.

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mother talking to son

Give Yourself Permission to Say No

by Katelyn Denning

Will you sign up for 4 extracurriculars this spring or will you decide that one at a time is enough? You can focus your energy on the things that matter to you.

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young man and a boy facing  the ocean

How to Be Imperfect and Still Parent Like a Champ

by ParentCo.

I want to show my kids that you can be strong and happy and proud, even in the face of your limitations. I want my sons to watch me hit the target square on.

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Debra Raney, the founder of Little Muffincakes

Little Muffincakes’ Debra Raney Fosters Self-Esteem from Birth for Diverse Kids

by Hannah Howard

Little Muffincakes' founder Debra Raney didn’t plan to be an entrepreneur. She provides high-quality products that reflect the diversity and beauty in children.

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