kids in a class room

Giving Responsibilities to Your Kids Is A Slow Build

by Joy Turner

It’s a slow build to teach our children how to be responsible. Focusing on different aspects of this trait can help develop our children into capable adults.

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father and son excerising at home

5 Ways Parents of Preschoolers Can Raise a Body Positive Kid

by ParentCo.

Here are five ways to immunize your kids against poor body image, including conversation starters, media picks, and resources to support your discussions.

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Depressed mother holding new born baby and sitting on a chair

What I Need My Kids to Know About Postpartum Depression

by ParentCo.

600,000 mothers each year in the U.S. struggle with postpartum mental health disorders. I was one of them.

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pregnant women touching her belly and standing in water

I'm Not Ashamed I Took Antidepressants During Pregnancy

by ParentCo.

I was definitely a calmer and happier person as she entered the world. Although I was still somewhat depressed, I was much more prepared and confident.

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happy little girl wearing blue dress jumping on bed

Emotionally Healthy Kids Have These 6 Things in Common

by Sanya Pelini

How do you know whether or not your kid is emotionally healthy or on the way there?

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father changing diapers

Paternity Leave is Essential to Building Healthy Families

by ParentCo.

Entire families benefit when a father is able stay at home and care for a new addition after a birth or adoption. Dads and kids reap the most benefits.

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5 Mother's Day Gifts That Definitely Don't Need Wrapping

5 Mother's Day Gifts That Definitely Don't Need Wrapping

by ParentCo.

Flowers and chocolates are great! And yet, moms need society to make some big changes about how we view and treat them on Mother's Day and every day.

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kids playing in rain

The Liberating Effect of Playing Outside in the Rain

by ParentCo.

Why is rain always the playing outside deal-breaker? There's a magic that happens when we turn kids (and ourselves) loose under a downpour.

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A woman is feeling happy by standing outside with closing her eyes

How to Achieve Long-Lasting Happiness

by ParentCo.

Wouldn’t we all love to find the key to real happiness? Stay committed to these steps and you may discover it was with you all along.

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hayley zorzi

ParentCo. Designer and Entrepreneur Hayley Zorzi on the Tango of Parenting and Success

by Hannah Howard

Hayley Zorzi sees her roles as mom, wife, designer, and business owner as enhancing each other. The overwhelm can be real, but so is the joy.

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A child swinging in tree

Why You Should Offer Your Kids a Mental Health Day

by ParentCo.

When do you start talking to kids about mental health? Likely, the earlier, the better.

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tow kids playing in a garden

Simple Ways to Help Children Become Environmentally Aware Citizens

by Maria Dontas

With a rapidly changing world, it’s our responsibility to take our children’s future into consideration when teaching them to be good citizens of our planet. 

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father looking at sons back

The Rollercoaster of Eczema for Mothers of Small Children

by Natasha Scripture

While my baby's eczema is considered “mild to moderate,” it has crippled us because it causes him to itch incessantly, especially at nighttime. One mom's story.

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two kids in bed

Creating the Perfect Bedtime Routine for Babies and Little Kids

by Charlie Fletcher

When your baby sleeps, their brain and body build towards the development goals they’ll need as they grow. Good rest makes all the difference for the whole family.

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mom and child touching forehead

3 Ideas Parents Can Steal From Entrepreneurs

by ParentCo.

Can lessons from brilliant entrepreneurial minds carry over into parenthood? Of course they can.

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Planitng plants

How to Double Down on These 8 Environmentally Conscious Efforts

by ParentCo.

While they might not seem like monumental efforts, over time, all these little changes you can make with your family add up to a positive impact on the environment.

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girls looking at plants

10 Simple Ways to Empower Girls to Love STEAM

by ParentCo.

Here are ten ways to help your daughter fall in love with STEAM. STEAM stands for science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics and fosters curiosity.

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father teaching his son cycling at park

8 Science-Backed Reasons for Letting Your Kids Play Outdoors

by ParentCo.

You probably already know that outdoor play is essential for children's health and well-being. Here are eight science-backed reasons that prove you're right.

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older and younger sister working out

Letting Go of Mom Guilt with Yoga

by Lindsay Scouras

Incorporating habits that you feel your best can be beneficial not only for you but your entire family. Because when you feel better, you parent better.

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grandmother and daughter looking at a baby

A New Grandmother Finds Her Seat at The Changing Table

by Andi Polllinger

Soon my son was going to be a father and I wondered what it would mean for our relationship. Would he still need me? How would I be a part of his child's life?

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giril talking with teacher

Your Complete Guide to Interviewing a Nanny

by Hannah Howard

Choosing a great nanny is vital. You’re looking for someone you trust to care for your children and to become an important part of your life and your home.

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sad mother holding a hand of this son walking

How to Help Your Kids Understand and Relate to the Immigrant Experience

by ParentCo.

Ten ways we can start to connect our kids to a compassionate and fact-based understanding of the immigrant experience.

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young girl looking at the grass

7 Unique Books to Excite Kids About Their Local Environment

by ParentCo.

Kids are born with an innate interest in nature. Here are seven books that can help the adventure continue, even when it is time to go inside.

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new mother with baby

3 Fundamental Ways to Build Confidence in Your Post-Baby Body

by ParentCo.

I’m learning to feel more confident in my post-baby body, while also focusing on finding ways to feel better about my health. Here are three ways to start.

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