scrabble blocks

Why Focus Words Are Better Than Resolutions

by Kristy Ramirez

Resolutions narrow our focus instead of broadening it to encompass an overall fulfilling life. Focus words, on the other hand, do not.

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family decorating their christmas tree

The No-Stress Holiday Tradition That Saved Our Christmas

by ParentCo.

You do it for work parties all the time, so why not family? It would turn gifts into a kind of game and who doesn’t like games? Save your Christmas and bank account with the gift that really keeps on giving!

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mom on computer while childern are playing

Let's Talk About "The Slump"

by ParentCo.

To any mother out there who has in the past or is experiencing the slump – or any mental health challenges for that matter – let’s talk about it.

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father with his two sons in bed

One Interesting Factor That Could Impact Future Family Size

by ParentCo.

Do you have kids? When are you having kids? How old are your kids? There's no need to ask a family member when they are planning to have more kids.

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mother and daughter cooking

5 Ways to Involve your Kids in Thanksgiving Plans

by Emily Glover

Thanksgiving is about togetherness—and you can get into the spirit of that well before the big day by involving your kids in the planning process. 

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mother and daughter in bed playing

How to Live a Life of Lagom (and Prosper) Like the Swedes

by ParentCo.

Still obsessed with the Scandinavians, people are now moving onto the Swedish lifestyle word: lagom.

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little boy in wheat field

5 Ways To Think STEAM This Thanksgiving

by ParentCo.

Here are some simple ways to encourage curiosity and creativity with your family this Thanksgiving. 

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Dad and daughter high fiving

How to Empower your Kids to Give Back to their Community during the Holidays and All Year Long

by ParentCo.

If you feel weighted down by your parental responsibilities, check out the ideas below to help set you on the path towards service.

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Mom and daughter smiling in kitchen with spoon

5 Simple Thanksgiving Activities to Teach Gratitude

by ParentCo.

Thanksgiving Day itself comes and goes too fast, but we can celebrate the beauty of the season all month long. Here are five ways to focus on gratitude with your family. 

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couple and mother carrying her baby in carrier in snow

What the Experts Say About Keeping Babies Warm in Winter

by ParentCo.

The benefits to heading outdoors in the winter mean bundling up and heading out. But how do you properly dress an infant for the winter elements?

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puppy looking up

Reflections on the Emotional Complexity of Getting a Dog

by ParentCo.

A puppy just came into my life. This was not expected, not planned for. I have a lot on my plate already.

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kid blowing her nose in bed

How to Survive your Kid's Sick Days as a Working Parent

by Emily Glover

With the matter of managing sick days with kids being more of a question of when rather than if, here is what you can do to help prepare for the inevitable.

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kids laughing in bed

30 Questions to Ask Your Kid Instead of "How Was Your Day?"

by ParentCo.

The question "How was your day?" is a conversation killer, especially for kids. Here are 30 alternatives that will inspire more than a grunt in reply.

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Photo by Ketut Subiyanto from Pexels - woman working at laptop with kids in background

5 Ways Freelancers Can Prepare for Parental Leave

by Hannah Howard

Here are five practical steps freelancers can take to prepare for taking an actual maternity/paternity leave, from financial to emotional.

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Two kids looking out the window

Four Ways Parents Can Make the Most of Quarantine with Kids

by Emily Glover

The real key to successfully quarantining is to focus on preserving family members’ emotional health. Here are four ways we made the most of quarantine with kids. 

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View of parent and kid in Halloween costume, walking from behind

Seven Ways to Handle School-Night Halloween With Ease

by ParentCo.

Odds are, Halloween is often going to fall on a school night. Because we all know what a disaster that can be, it's beneficial to be prepared.

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child kissing woman's pregnant belly

9 Tips to Prep your Toddler for a New Baby Sibling

by Hannah Howard

I’ve asked friends, parents, and experts for ways to prep my toddler for becoming a big sister and navigating the tidal wave of change that a new baby will inevitably bring. 

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woman and girl doing yoga

How to Help Your Kids Love Their Bodies, Flippy-Floppy Arms and All

by ParentCo.

There’s a difference between not saying negative things about your body and actually embracing the parts that aren’t always considered to be beautiful.

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couple sitting on a couch with a poodle

9 Ways to Breathe New Life into Your Empty Nest

by ParentCo.

One minute you’re changing diapers and wiping noses, the next you’re dropping kids off in their college dorm rooms. Here's how to fill the space they leave.

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mom and baby pensive in bed

3 Ways to Deal With Your New Mom Identity Crisis

by ParentCo.

The truth is, you can be a mother who loves motherhood, but doesn't assume it as the whole of her identity. And that's ok.

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A dad patting his daughter's head

From Chaos to Connection: How Routine Can Transform the Energy of Your Home

by ParentCo.

Returning to school and work can be even more challenging when there’s no routine or structure to fall back on. Here are some ways to add gentle structure.

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mom and daughter reading a book in bed

How to Make Storytelling a Fun and Engaging Family Affair

by ParentCo.

Storytelling is portable and requires no gadgets, batteries, or anything else to weigh down your diaper bag and can bring your family closer, too.

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woman with paintbrushes doing art project

4 Ways to Make Time for Creativity as a Parent

by Hannah Howard

How do parents make time to nurture their own creativity? How do they carve out time for doing things like writing or making art?

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A girl standing with a mask and a backpack

Families Face a Weird Back to School Year: Here are Four Ways to Cope

by Hannah Howard

This is undoubtedly an unusual back-to-school season for both kids and parents. Here are three ways to make this transition just a little smoother. 

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