family in kitchen

Want to Reduce Your Mental Load? Stop Delegating and Start Specializing

by ParentCo.

If you and your partner are committed to sharing the chores of parenthood equitably, check out the tips below to move towards specialization.

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a kid in emotional by covering face

How to Boost Your Child's Emotional Intelligence

by ParentCo.

Parents can use a simple and effective approach to raise an emotionally intelligent child and to improve their own EQ, too.

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two boys sitting by a tree

Why Time Outdoors Can Increase Kids' Ability to Focus

by ParentCo.

Researchers recently conducted a study exploring how green spaces surrounding children’s homes impact their cognitive development.

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mom holding a small child

Every Mother Deserves a Doula: The Benefits of a Supported Birth

by ParentCo.

I remember it like it was yesterday: I’m 24-years-old, lying flat on my back in a stiff hospital bed. A who told me that regardless of what my docto

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boy holding thumbs up

How Focusing on Strengths Gives Our Kids an Edge

by ParentCo.

"If you focus on what is wrong, your child lives up to your vision of failure. If you focus on your child’s strengths, your child lives what is possible."

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girl reading a book

7 Books For Girls Who Are Going to Change the World

by ParentCo.

When your daughter asks, "Why are there more men pioneers than women in this book?" you fill their bookshelves with these.

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playing with chalk

8 Things to Say to Kids About Their Artwork Instead of "Good Job!"

by ParentCo.

"Dad, do you like my picture?" is a loaded question. Encourage your budding artist with these thoughtful answers and discussions.

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girl and boy smiling

The Far Reaching Effects of Positive Emotions

by Sanya Pelini

We now know that feeling good is good for us, but how can we help our kids feel good? Here are a few suggestions based on positive psychology research.

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girl reading a book

The Best Age for Kids to Learn a Second Language

by ParentCo.

When should you start encouraging your child to start learning a foreign language? Is it as soon as they can talk, or should you hold off until they have mastered English?

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The Gifts That New Moms Really Need

by ParentCo.

I’m as tempted as anyone to buy adorable baby toys and outfits, but it is the mother who needs us most after childbirth.

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holding baby in the air

10 Things New Moms Would Actually Love to Hear You Say

by ParentCo.

Here are ten helpful things to say to new mothers, both because these things are universally true and new mothers need all the love we can give.

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family holding hands

A Simple Strategy for When You're Feeling Unappreciated

by ParentCo.

How can we effectively deal with feeling unappreciated? It starts with identifying when we’re feeling unappreciated in the first place.

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two women kissing

9 Tips to Help You Fall Back in Love With Your Spouse

by ParentCo.

Of course you love each other, but somehow your relationship feels a bit flat now. To fall back in love with your spouse, try these things.

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The Best Predictor of Success, According to Science

by ParentCo.

We want to set children up on a path towards success later in life. What contributes to a person’s success in the long-term?

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drawing of a person on the forest covered with snow

7 Picture Books That Help Kids Cope With Tragedy

by Jennifer Garry

These books deal with topics like fear, loss, and separation anxiety in subtle ways, but can serve as great conversation starters.

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crying baby

Surviving a Colicky Baby

by ParentCo.

Colic is a term doctors use for a baby that cries a lot more than the average baby when they can’t give you any other answers as to why. I've had three.

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little girl with brown hair reading a book

Which Kids' Books Have More Moral Impact– Books With Humans or Animals?

by ParentCo.

Which kids' books have more moral impact– books with humans or animals? Recent studies provide conflicting takeaways.

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Drawing of a village in black and white

After "The Very Hungry Caterpillar": Six New Board Books That Babies Will Love

by ParentCo.

While the classics are thrilling, sometimes babies need something a little more than “The Very Hungry Caterpillar.”

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young family camping

How to Be Happy – Consider These 3 Pillars

by Sally Shepherd

Whatever type of parent you are, can I encourage you to think about McKee’s proposed elements for happiness at work?

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Colorfull books and a pot with violet color flower

These Planners Will Help You Get It Together in 2018

by ParentCo.

With work, kids, and all of the other minutiae of daily life, how can you keep on top of your schedule? With one of these rad planners, that's how.

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close up view sad women face

How an Anxiety Mascot Can Help You Manage Panic

by ParentCo.

When you're in the middle of your anxiety, you cannot think calmly and rationally about all that you know about a topic. You need to DARE.

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woman opening fridge at night

The Link Between Emotional Eating and Parenthood

by ParentCo.

Since becoming a parent, eating has become a friend, an activity, a form of relaxation, and basically something that I don’t feel completely in control of.

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mom and son walking in a summer park on the grass with yellow flower, holding a kite

Learning to Be a Peaceful Parent

by ParentCo.

My commitment is to be the adult. It is my job to do the work on my self-regulation so that he'll be able to reach his potential in life.

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young woman sleeping on a bright white couch with a hat covering her face.

8 Common Parenting Phrases That Backfire

by ParentCo.

If you're a parent, chances are you've used some or all of these phrases at some point or another.

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