kids at summer camp

Summer Camp is the Adventure Your Kids Need to Thrive

by ParentCo.

Dig out that summer camp catalog and take a look at your options. The return on investment definitely seems worth it. We love nature-based free play, too.

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child in airport

On the Trials of Toddler Travel, A Few Words to the Wise

by Peter K

Traveling with toddlers is a special kind of crazy. But if you prepare properly, it's totally tolerable. Here are some tips for making it as fun as possible.

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same sex parents

9 Things You Should Never Say to Same-Sex Parents

by ParentCo.

Culturally reinforced naiveté is understandable coming from a small child. But there's no great excuse when it comes from adults.

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two cute female kids with Canadian flag.

A Trip to Canada’s National Parks May Be Just the Vacay You Need This Summer

by ParentCo.

This summer, find out for yourself why Bono, frontman for U2, said “I believe the world needs more Canada.” Here are incredible places to see with your family.

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woman consoling her friend

In Difficult Times, A Better Response Than "I Can’t Imagine"

by ParentCo.

Even if we don’t want to imagine what someone else is going through, we can at least try to ease their passage.

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baby einstein sea dreams soother

Why the Baby Einstein Sea Dreams Soother Went Viral

by Hannah Howard

When a product makes a difference in helping our little one catch those precious zzzs, you better bet it gets our interest. Sea Dreams Soother to the rescue.

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girl playing in the rain

4 Outdoor Excursions to Beat the Summer Heat

by ParentCo.

The air conditioning is running and the kids are begging for more screen time. But we're going outside. Here are four ideas for when it's scorching outside.

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man celebrating pride parade

The LGBTQ Community Needs You to Put Down Your Fear

by ParentCo.

Where there's fear, it's impossible for love and acceptance to thrive. Let me tell you about people like me. Let me tell you a little about what it means to be a member of the LGBTQ community.

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brunette woman with her child

4 Montessori Strategies to Help Prevent a Toddler Meltdown

by ParentCo.

We’ve all seen the toddler meltdown. It’s that end-of-the-world sobbing tantrum over something so small you may not have even known what it was.

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baby playing

What Are Wake Windows? How Parents Can Use Them to Make Life Smoother

by Hannah Howard

A wake window is exactly how it sounds, the stretch of time your baby or toddler stays up between naps. Here's how they can help make life smoother for the family.

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boy on potty

5 Ways to Make Potty Training Easier for the Whole Family

by Charlie Fletcher

Even if your little one is ready to start potty training, it can be a frustrating process for all. These strategies can make things easier on your and your child.

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family playing in pool

Before You Plan any Summer Adventures with your Kids

by Katelyn Denning

If taking adventures and creating fun experiences for your family matters to you, it’s possible to make it work. You just might need to shift your perspective.

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5 Budget-Friendly Tips for Hitting the Open Road this Summer

5 Budget-Friendly Tips for Hitting the Open Road this Summer

by ParentCo.

On a family road trip, the good outweighs the bad, and even the bad always makes for a funny memory. Here are five tips for making the most of it.

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Father's Day Has Always Been About Ties

Father's Day Has Always Been About Ties

by ParentCo.

The history of Father's Day proves that it is a Hallmark holiday, but not for the reasons you think. Take the chance to tell your dad how you feel about him.

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family looking at the moon

Do Full Moons Really Induce Labor?

by Jenna Paton

Although some studies concluded there is no direct link between childbirth and the lunar phases, nurses, midwives, doctors, and pregnant women see a connection.

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boy looking out the window

Getting Your Kid Ready for Their First Time Flying

by Jack Shaw

It’s natural to be anxious about how the flight will go and whether it will be as magical as the children had imagined. These tips will prepare your kid, and you!

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grandmother and granddaughter

Why the Great Outdoors Is the Perfect Playground for your Child

by Joy Turner

As parents, it's our privilege and responsibility to nurture a connection with nature, giving our little ones the tools they need to thrive outside and in life.

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dont touch

What to Consider When Baby and Toddler Proofing Your Home

by Charlie Fletcher

There’s no way to completely limit baby's exposure to risks. Yet, there are some practical steps you can take to ensure that they can be in a safe environment.

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young child holding vegatables

The Real Reason You Should Garden With Your Kids

by ParentCo.

You can garden with your kids without leaving the house or changing out of your pajamas. Best of all, it will save you at least one trip to the grocery store.

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father and son walking through the woods

How To Spend More Time Outside As a Family

by Charlie Fletcher

While the benefits of spending time outdoors are clear, it can be hard to come up with activities that everyone will enjoy. Here are ideas for family fun.

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mother and baby

The Evening Ritual That Transformed Our Bedtime Routine

by ParentCo.

Taking inspiration from "Goodnight Moon," and research on restorative sleep, I created a routine that has put an end to our bedtime battles. Here's what we do.

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two women smiling

5 Steps to Giving (Good) Advice to New Parents

by ParentCo.

Here are five easy steps to giving your new-parent loved ones the advice they are looking for without looking like an idiot. (Often times, just listen!)

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baby boy in a bathroom

I Don't Mind That My Toddler Has No Interest in Potty Training

by Pam Moore

Despite my efforts, my toddler has yet to demonstrate any real interest in potty training. And that is fine with me, at least for right now. Here’s why.

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family on vacation

10 Ways to Ensure Your Next Family Road Trip is a Success

by ParentCo.

Family road trips don't have to be a National Lampoon-esque disaster. Especially if you keep these tips in mind.

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